Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dark side of prostitution-for men anyway

Perhaps one of the worst things for men concerning prostitution in the U.S. is accidently propositioning an undercover female cop and getting busted. This is the time it seems that every feminazi and mangina come out of the woodwork to shame your ass,possibly to coerce you to pay the fine (the reason they probably do this other than political ones),pay to get your car back and threaten to print you name in the paper. This is pretty fucked up,just to get a piece of ass. Serial killers,both accused and convicted,have gotten less harassment than johns do. It's pretty fucked up when you're busted instead of your nut. I would love to see some guy(s) fight this bullshit and clog up the court system and when they are interviewed by the press they have positive outlooks and say they are doing it for men's rights and they have become shameproof. I wonder what the femicunts and manginas are going to do then,probably pee in their panties as some real men stood up to them. The only places where prostitution is legal in the U.S. is certain counties in Nevada and even there I hear you pay up the ying yang. So if prostitution were so bad wouldn't it be illegal everywhere? Yes,it would.

I gone to shopping malls and seen cops,not security guards,but cops patrolling around. There is even a cop shop at one of the malls I've been in and I guess they are their to keep the troublemakers out. And on the other hand,there are vice cops arresting johns.

Women like to get thier gathering needs met so they go shopping. Men like to get their sexual needs met so they go to hookers.

So just where am I going with this?

Just here:

It seems that there is an army of cops out to make sure women get their needs met while making sure men don't get their's met and they call this a patriarchy? Bullshit.

Prostitution was legal back in the old west but then in 1910 some women's group,The Women's Temperance Union,who also made alcohol unconstitutional so that makes them 0-2,decided to illegalize prostitution and thus make men's lives a living hell for it and that is the situation we have today.


  1. Laws against prostitution are feminsit hate laws. The femnags want to own and control men by restricting access to sex. They make it illegal for more feminine sisters to work the sex trades, and send men to hell for purchasing their services. Feminists hate prostitutes because they dilute female domination of men. Prohibition on prostitution was a major feminazi achievement of the late 19th century and early 20th century. Domination, control, and hate, the hallmarks of feminism.

  2. I love the magina comment! Anyways, in most prostitution busts, despite the fact that the women and men involved both have families, the busted men often get sent home while the prostitutes has to go to jail. I think it's more anti-woman on that part in that they are ultimately busting women for NOT GIVING THEIR PUSSIES AWAY FOR FREE! But, as you said, it's an attack by puritans and feminazis who, despite the fact that these two groups are supposed to be as mutually exclusive as Halloween and Christmas, they both seem to come together on this issue. Under the guise of male "exploitation" feminazis have taken to selling christian moral values. The former hoe and perpetual rape victim Andrea Dworkin was supported by the Meese commission which had roots in the catholic church. What kills me is how these feminazis take it to be canon to be morally okay to choose to take a human life, yet a woman can't choose to sell her own body - her property - for pleasure? There is something wrong there with those set of morals and anyone not seeing that is warped and twisted! Speaking of the manginas, when you look at the differences between the sexes, men tend to go after the attractive women. Women go after men with financial security. Tom Lykis even spoke on this! When I went to a feminazi meeting once, most of those men were broke and couldn't get tail, so they had to hide their tails and settle for ugly feminazi poontang! Anyways, I got a facebook devoted to decriminalizing prostitution at

    and you can also read my blog, which sums all these things up more indepth. Anyways, take care of fight those hoes! BTW funny thing about feminazis is, they hate prostitution, but they sure like alimony!

  3. "Laws against prostitution are feminsit hate laws. The femnags want to own and control men by restricting access to sex. They make it illegal for more feminine sisters to work the sex trades, and send men to hell for purchasing their services. Feminists hate prostitutes because they dilute female domination of men. Prohibition on prostitution was a major feminazi achievement of the late 19th century and early 20th century. Domination, control, and hate, the hallmarks of feminism."....True, true! Those bitches hate men since they can't exploit the good men for themselves, hence why they talk so much about exploitation.

  4. I visit prostitutes and I am not ashamed at all. I have told my dad, my sister, all my friends etc.

    My sister has decided to deride me but I don't care. My dad is okay with it however.

    I wouldn't tell my mom because I know she would not want such an activity for her son.

    I like prostitutes and find they are nicer, more giving, more talented and harder-working than many girls I have been involved with in a normal realtionship-type scenario.

    The only down side to visiting prostitutes is that you burn through your savings faster than anything, and you get addicted to them like a drug. And no matter what you think or what anyone tells you, they will not see you on the side, away from the business, unless you can provide them with a better lifestyle than the one they provide to themselves through prostitution.
