Thursday, May 31, 2007

When the sex offender is a woman

Anna Joy Walker

'Party Mom' Sentenced To 300 Days In Jail

(CBS13) MODESTO The so-called Grayson 'party mom' who had been accused of having sex with two teenagers and providing beer to several teens has been sentenced to 300-days in jail.

Anna Walker plead guilty to two charges of having sexual relations with minors in March. Under the plea agreement, Walker avoided prison.

Today a Stanislaus County judge ordered Walker to be immediately taken into custody. The judge also ordered her to four years of probation, counseling and to pay restitution.

Many parents were angry saying the sentence was much too light. "She is a molester. She is a child predator." one angry father told CBS13, "I said before, if this was a man do you think she would have got this leniency?" Under the charges Walker faced, she could have been sentenced to a maximum of seven years, eight months in prison.

And under the plea agreement because the victims were not under 14 years of age, Walker will not have to register herself as a sex offender. Another point that upset parents. "She's a sex offender in our eyes." said Tessa Garcia who child was one of the victims, "She did it once. She did it twice. She'd do it again."

Walker was arrested in January on allegations she bought alcohol for a group of teens during a party at her home.

Walker came to the attention of authorities after allegedly serving alcohol to a group of teens and forcing 13 of them to leave in a single SUV before her husband, an Atwater police officer, came home from work.

The driver, 18, crashed the SUV, injuring all its passengers.

Source: here

1 comment:

  1. I added a link to you :).
    (My site:

    My thoughts on this is: (will take a bit to get there)

    I believe men should beable to marry girls once the girls are able to have children (which is way before age 18). Our country knows that men like young females over older females so inorder to make men less happy our society keeps pushing up the marraige age for girls through social pressure and political statute. Now that men who have been being jailed for marrying young females, having sex with them, even looking at them, are saying that it is unfair that women don't get jailed for this the society says "well fine we'll jail women too, as long as we can keep punishing you men".

    This should not placate us. We need real victory. Women must be subserviant to men again, not us subserviant to them, or everyone subserviant to the government.
