Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another feminazi who hates MRA's

This is what an ugly feminazi looks like

This is their belief system

Here is another example of an anti-MRA feminazi,who basically discounts the plight of men by personally attacking the author and then people wonder why extremenists such as myself exist.

I also wanted to add this ginmar quote:

Men typically get light sentences for killing their wives. Women are not likewise judged leniently. Even so, for Sparky here, that's too much.

Cowshit,we all know that men fare worse then women when it comes to being accused of a crime and get stiffer punishments so I have no idea where ginmar gets her information from other than it is suspect and like most feminists she will have fried her reputation by posting it.


  1. Many men are not very good at spelling. Poor spelling is related to dyslexia which is almost exclusively male. The minds of men are much better than female minds at processing patterns, ideas, complex relationships, and difficult concepts than female brains. Men commonly read the word the same if it has most of the letters or similar letters in similar places, or even reversed position. That male ability to see, recognize, and understand based on limited or confusing data has been an important life or death skill over millions of years. Men do not rely on machine like uniform spelling to read and comprehend messages. That ability and/or disregard for standard spelling is seen in such literary greats as Shakespeare and Chaucer who often spelled the same word differently on the same page.

    A stupid machine can be taught to spell with perfection, but not understand any of what is being spelled. Your PC is an example. A monkey or a female can be taught to spell. Most men, and particularly men of very high intelligence, are not very good at spelling at all. The may win a Nobel prize for science or mathematics, but need to hire a lower intelligence female secretary to spell their reports according to the strict rules of schoolmarms. Doctors, for example, are often selected for high intelligence, and understand a great deal, but have handwriting that is notorious for the very reasons discussed here.

    Criticizing men’s spelling is another form of misandrist bigotry. It assumes female abilities as standard and ignores the way that male brains work. Men don’t need, and usually don’t care if the letters are arranged in some schoolmarm order. Bigoted misandrist sows often attack men for “poor” spelling when they haven’t the wisdom to understand or disagree effectively with the meaning of the ideas presented. Spelling criticism is generally a sign of misandry and lack of intelligence. It displays the “trained monkey” abilities of an average female men-hating bitch.

  2. Bob said: Many men are not very good at spelling.
    Are you saying your not an extremenists like Masculisp Man? Is that why you picked the name "bob," in case you spelled it backwards?

    ...disregard for standard spelling is seen in such literary greats as Shakespeare and Chaucer...
    FYI Chaucer wasn't misspelling, Bob. That's called "Olde English."

    Most men, and particularly men of very high intelligence, are not very good at spelling at all.
    As a famouse misspeller once wrote: "Methinks thou dost protest too much!"

    Men don’t need, and usually don’t care if the letters are arranged in some schoolmarm order.
    Do you see the words PAGE NOT FOUND a lot Bob?

    ...The may win a Nobel prize for science or mathematics, but need to hire a lower intelligence female secretary to spell their reports...
    Bob, don't tell the feminazi sisterhood I leaked this, but they developed a secret weapon they've been keeping from men for decades. I can't give you all the details, but it goes by the codename "SPELLCHECK"

  3. Steele is full of her usual misandrist hate sowcrap again, LOL.

    Writing the same word with different spellings on the same page is not a function of "Old English" but we don't expect the pathetic mind of a feminazi to comprehend such deep thoughts.

    When you can't handle the meaning, pick on the spelling. Steele (Or Stalin in Russian) is like that, full of hate and insults without any real understanding.

  4. Spelling was only standardized in the late 1800s. Before this dictionaries weren't popular. IIRC, before the middle of the 1800s dicitionaries weren't published.

    I posted this on the steele site, she deleted it. Also notice how 'she' refers to herself/weblog in the third person.

    MikeeUSA said...

    (This was deleted by steele before)

    Anonymous said
    "Her whole blog is misandrist hate, lies, and attacks on men. As long as you're taking the time to post this throughout the site, feel free to point to any specific examples, mikee."

    I didn't post that. I never use the word misandry and nearly never the word feminazi. This is because I am opposed to all women's rights, not just "extreme amounts of women's rights" (feminazism).

    I post logged in now due to your internet friends impostoring me so please don't attribute anon postings to me anylonger.

    Question: why do you have Amaya trying to create a cult of personality for you, that doesn't look good in my humble opinion. She also keeps posting the same message everywhere and that message is laughable (well... I hope it is).

    My opinion of this weblog is that it doesn't 'feel' real. It seems to be made to get a rise out of MRAs etc (equating anti-feminists with school shootings).

    If you want to do that you really need to expand the amount of people you reach. Troll around Men's sites and give them your web address, then troll around feminist sites and also give them your address: then the two shall meet.

    I'm sorry that I cannot respond with the force that MRAs here respond with, the weblog just doesn't have the real feeling and your prose usually comes off as if a man's writing it. I just don't believe this weblog.

    Another thing: you and your internet friends keep commenting on my weblog 'articles' but never comment on the what the article actually says, you just want to discuss the Bible all day and attempt to refute that of it which I quote.

    If you want to sound more like a feminist woman then copy ginmar's style. She sounds both female, leftist, and abit out of touch (academic?). That is an authentic feminist.

    You sound like a bored policeman who want's to have fun using the internet. Your name "Robin Steele" sounds very sterotypical for the feminist persona.

    Well the internet is the world's playground. Keep improving your gag.

    November 15, 2007 5:46 PM

  5. Good comment, Mikee.
    Stalin asks for "examples" when all of her articles contain fictitious quotes alleging to be from men's blogs but which do not appear anywhere on those sources. Nevertheless, Ms. Stalin uses quote marks to claim that they do. She(?) insinuates that outspoken men are like the oppressed young men who have killed people at schools. Even the links are lies about the articles they link to.

    Stalin has deleted many comments. She also frequently goes to men's blogs and pretends to advocate "peace" on her terms. That's such a hateful advocacy. Feminists asking for "peace" is not unlike Hitler asking for "peace" after conquering all of Europe, North Africa, and western Russia. The time for peace is before attacking and destroying the other half of humanity. Once that's been done they have a very well justified counter attack.

    The feminists are afraid of the counter attack. MEN are growing louder and louder in our protests and attacks against their evil oppression. Shooting feminists scares them. The VT shooting, for example, was precipitated by one of the current leaders of feminist hate. The bullets missed her, but came very close. It has them worried.

  6. MikeeUSA said... "Spelling was only standardized in the late 1800s. Before this dictionaries weren't popular. IIRC, before the middle of the 1800s dicitionaries weren't published."

    bob said "Good comment, Mikee."

    It's like you guys go our of your way to show how uneducated and stupid you really are. Dictionaries weren't published until the 1800s? Standardized spelling came in the late 1800s?

    What a stupid dickweed! "Spelling" is as old as written language... that's what it fucking is... characters arranged in order to communicate standardized meaning.

    The first dictionary ever written was done by the Babylonians in 6th Century B.C.
    The first dictionary of the Chinese language, the Shuowen Jiezi, was written around 100 CE. Japanese dictionaries originated in 682 CE.

    An early nonalphabetical list of 8000 English words was the Elementarie created by Richard Mulcaster in 1582.

    The first purely English alphabetical dictionary was A Table Alphabeticall, written by English schoolteacher Robert Cawdrey in 1604.

    The mid 1800s was when dictionaries started being arranged alphabetically instead of by topic.

    Why don't you guys go read for a few years and don't write until you know what the fuck you're talking about. I'm sick of you pompous morons making us men look like a bunch of illiterate hillbillies. Bob's defense of illiteracy and anything mikee says give these cunts all the ammunition they need. Why don't you guys take a big long drink of shut the fuckup?

  7. The above posting "fucking, fuckity, ammunition, stop making us look bad etc" sounds like it was written by the typical MRA: hateful of his ("his"?) fellow man becase his fellow man is "too extreme". The normal MRA likes that women have rights, he just doesn't like that after 100 years of Men getting screwed that now he too is getting screwed by women's rights. They typical MRA celebrates men who marry young teenaged girls getting thrown in prison and raped by homosexuals.

  8. Just came across this, thoughts?
    Indian born flight attendant demands castration of Saudia officials for sexual harassment
    Wed, 2006-05-10 22:07

    " She has sought for Bahrani to be castrated for sexually harassing her. Bahrani’s shameful acts have stood proved in the Trial Courts and have been confirmed by the Bombay High Court.

    Shehnaz has also demanded that the right hands be cut off at the wrists and the left feet at the ankles, as well as 80 lashes be given to the six persons named in her complaint, who are all Muslims, citizens of KSA and executives of the Saudi Arabian Airlines.

    Since, Bahrani admitted to being intoxicated when he made sexual overtures to Shehnaz, which four of his own persons produced in the Court as witnesses also confirmed, Shehnaz has sought 40 additional stripes to be given to him for having committed this hudud offence as well. “The evidence is irrefutable and largely documentary. The charges leveled have stood proved. Although, the Courts which have passed their orders against the Saudi Arabian Airlines, Bahrani and others, are not from Dar-al-Islam (abode of Islam i.e. an Islamic Country) the evidence, cannot be one in one Court and another in some other Court”, said Shehnaz, who has sent a copy of her complaint to His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. Instead of chastising the main offender, Mr. Abdul Ellah Bahrani, the SAA Executives have protected him and they must all be severally held guilty of that same offence as having colluded with him. "

  9. Rosie also Hates Elizabeth Hasselbeck. And believes that fire has never melted steel. She should tell that to Inland Steel corp. Who use an Electric furnace to melt steel with Fire.

    Rosie barely tolerates Heterosexual Women and Men. And was a Bully on the View. A vulgar, crude, stupid, ignorant Bully. She did get ratings, and even Babs Walters had issues with her arrogance and vicious personality.

    Want some insights. Read Myrna Blyth's book "The Spin Sisters" and the sections on Rosie for what a fraud this Windbag and Man Hating Asshat is. She tanked McCall's when she came out as a Lesbian.

    You go Girl!

  10. Ginmar is a fucking moron. Enough said.

  11. Anonymous said ...
    Rosie barely tolerates Heterosexual Women and Men. And was a Bully on the View. A vulgar, crude, stupid, ignorant Bully. She did get ratings, and even Babs Walters had issues with her arrogance and vicious personality.

    My God! The "Masculist Man" and "Bob Allen" personas are actually Rosie!
    No, wait. Couldn't be. Rosie can spell.

  12. Feminist Scum said Ginmar is a fucking moron.
    And bob, Mikee and Masculist Man are the MRAs intellectual elite?

    What of bob's contention that men's inability to spell is some byproduct of superior intelligence? That "Criticizing men’s spelling is another form of misandrist bigotry."? MORON?

    What of MikeeUSA's revelation that "before the middle of the 1800s dicitionaries weren't published."? MORON?

    What of just about everything ever uttered by Masculist Man? MORON?

    Feminist Scum, attacking the intellectual abilities of your opponents invites comparison and is therefore probably not a wise strategy. Belch loudest? Spew the vilest insults? Most logical fallacies in a single paragraph? You'd be on safer ground with any of those.

  13. "..attacking the intellectual abilities of your opponents invites comparison and is therefore probably not a wise strategy. Belch loudest? Spew the vilest insults? Most logical fallacies in a single paragraph? You'd be on safer ground with any of those."

    Steele must be talking into the mirror again. Tsk, tsk.

  14. bob said A monkey or a female can be taught to spell... but evidentally bob and Masculist Man cannot.

    In the words of Masculist Man:

    "Today America, Tomarrow the World!"

  15. Yes, Steelrrhoid. Inaccurate spelling among men is related to dyslexia and correlates very strongly with high intelligence.

  16. From the article:
    I also wanted to add this ginmar quote:

    Men typically get light sentences for killing their wives. Women are not likewise judged leniently. Even so, for Sparky here, that's too much.

    We haven't discussed this statement by radical feminists. For much of history it was the father or husbands rightful place and authority to decide if his dog or his wife had gone around the bend and needed to be expunged for the good of society. The whole notion of punishing a man at all for killing his dog or his wife are fairly recent female morals. They are not justified by historic religious texts, nor are they supported by many of the historic civilized societies.

    Today, men get horrendous punishments for protecting their children from a violent wife bent on destroying their families, but that has no moral foundation other than feminists want it to be so. Meanwhile females get hardly a slap on the wrist, 6 months for shooting her husband in the back while he’s asleep. I say it’s very wrong by any decent moral values. There is no moral reason why a man should be punished at all for ridding the society of evil.

  17. I must apologize on two counts. I didn't realize illiteracy was directly linked to high intelligence. Bob, I concede you are at genius level.

    I also didn't realize the massive growth of your "movement" I guess underestimated you once again:
    MRM Displays Power, Professionalism at Rally!
    Robin Steele

  18. Robin Steele should apologize for wasting the planet's resources by existing.


    Only 9 women on death row, compare that with the number of men on death row. Men get slaps on the wrist. MY ASS!!

  20. Rosie O'DOnnell also hates Straight Women who love Men. And who hold Conservative or Libertarian views. She is a true monster. Get a copy of Myrna Blyth's "The Spin Sisters" and read what she has to say about Oprah, Katie Couric, and especially Rosie. Whose publicists knew she was an angry vengeful Monster. She is a vicious and hateful Woman. Full of anger and Malignant Narcissism.

    Her chapter "The War Of The Rosies" is very incitefull into how Rosie acts and interacts with others.

  21. Men must stand up to feminism other wise we are all just whipped little pussies. If women can burn bra's and have tantrums and get their own way so can we but we must speak in a louder voice with facts, truth and proof that is undisputable, rise up and fight for your rights guys March forth or just give in.

  22. First, feminism is the solely the belief in equal rights for all people regardless on their race, gender, sex, or sexuality. The "feminazi" stereotype is just attached to such advocates by people who are either completely ignorant of what feminism actually is, or is in some way afraid of loosing some form of power in their life that they now have. This power gives them the ability to assert semi-successfully their wants over less privileged people than them.
    I'm a prime example: I am a self identified feminist who is at the top of my class at UC Berkeley. True, I am dedicating my life to further mine (and others) knowledge on prejudices that exist in the world and how these prejudices came to be through history, but I am also an extreme lover of men and femininity. I think men are amazing, handsome, and fun! Frequently my beauty is commented on by strangers, and I am constantly told how nice I am [but I still have a flare for the wild side:)] So am I a feminazi? I think not.
    It's unfortunate that many people assign feminist which such a stereotype when really all they are trying to do is have compassion for all people regardless of what life they were birthed into. It is time we stop reacting to activism with fear and hatred, and begin to look at the issues feminist are actually advocating for before we judge them. Don’t forget, we are all in this together!

  23. Anonymous December 19, 2009 2:43 AM,

    Feminism is about as much of ending sexism as nazism is about ending racism. NOW has championed the writings of Valerie Solanas,author of the manifesto Society for Cutting Up Men or SCUM. Also other feminist thinkers are the late Andrea Dworkin who believed heterosexual sex was raping the woman and that she would like to see a man with an apple shoved in his mouth like a slaughtered pig. Mary Koss believed the world should be reduced to just 10% men and the feminists on the Duke University campus were holding up signs that said "castrate" even though the accused were later declared innocent. Then there is Catherine McKinnon who believes that sex that the woman didn't intiate to be rape. These are your feminist leaders,this is who they are. This is what you defend. When you defend feminism you are supporting misandry. It's just that simple.

  24. Bob you are full to the brim of mad dog shit

  25. Anonymous said "First, feminism is the solely the belief in equal rights for all people regardless on their race, gender, sex, or sexuality..."

    No, in fact it isn't! If the above principle is what you believe, then all of those like you need to find a different title for your banner!

    "Feminist" happens to be an "ist" just as is the word "racist", "narcissist", "capitalist", "communist", "chauvinist", and that new word which you invented, mysoginist" (and I could really give a fuck how that one's spelled). None of the above words are used with the implication of recognized equality or respect for anyone outside of the group which they represent. Now here you are CON-veniently trying to re-define "feminism" with words like "equality", which is in direct conflict with the definition of "ism". The extremists, and truly evil monsters in your ranks understand this fact, and this word represents them, so if some of you want to distance yourselves from them, then you need to distance yourselves from feminism.

  26. Go suck Rush Limbaugh's dick! You practically do that already.

    For the record, I'm a guy. You conservatools are dumb enough assume any opposition comes from women.
