Friday, November 9, 2007

Why we fight-part 2 (a drill)

The following dramatization gives a look at the mentality of feminists and we wanted to show that we do understand their mentality as well:

Longlive the cencorship of MRAs!
-anonymous November 8, 2007 6:19 PM

Source: here

anonymous said:
Bob's getting all the airtime again? Mikeusa advocates rape too. Scroll down the post Rape how it should be handled. Also underaged marraige of girls just because they can have children is advocated by the satanic bible thumper. You should do more research of these blogs: you would find more things that you hate, more men supporting old bible verses that give them a monopoly on power against women and girls. It's like the men don't care to have women in power and just want their own lives to be good and won't sacrifice for women.


I see the phrase "Death To women's Rights" on that blog in many places.

What do you think should happen to Bob, Masculinist Man, Mikeusa, KellyMac, and ChrisKey?

If you were personally the president what would you do to these traitors and enemies of women?

November 7, 2007 10:01 AM

anonymous said:
So if it cannot be tolerated in a free society then what punishment should they get if they continue to disrespect women even with help?

I'm with you on this one. I don't believe that men should have the absolute freedom to say or write whatever they want. We have schools to wring this mysoginistic thought proccess out of boys and to help girls learn to be strong but if it doesn't work shouldn't something happen to the men?

November 7, 2007 11:47 AM

anonymous said:
Yes, I agree. The first thing we should do is ammend the first ammendment so it applies only to women. Men have proven throughout history that they cannot responsibly handle even the slightest hint of power without opressing women and girls with it. They even opress other men who are minorities. This country has got to change. I think we have enough power as sixty percent of the voters to remove speech rights from men.

November 7, 2007 1:48 PM

anonymous said:
Yes man are evil oppressors! and that's why we have to oppress them!!!

Pot meet kettle


November 7, 2007 5:46 PM

Source: here


  1. Masculist Man,

    You have been talking a lot about IMBRA lately and stuff like that, and I remember when you said on your "Some Thoughts" post that you once believed in the dream of finding a girl that is sweet, loving, compassionate, and a joy to be around.

    It's hard, Masc, because there's the MGTOW side of things, but there's still that dream that is inside of you...

    Masculist Man, if you truly want, we can get Yan Yan's ass in gear, and Yan Yan can find you a girl from the Philippines that is loving, sweet, compassionate, and a joy to be around. Just like you described in your "Some Thoughts" post.

    I know that there are girls like this in Poland, but imagine how much more so they are like that in the Philippines.

  2. I guess MRS STEELE doesn't like it when men show what she's really saying: IE: take away men's right to speak.

  3. "Longlive the cencorship of MRAs!
    -anonymous November 8, 2007 6:19 PM"

    So now we're going to play the feminist game of creating fake posts impersonating faux feminists? I thought we were better than that.

    Everyone knows that quote was made by mikeeusa. He's the only dumbass that can't spell censorship though he uses it all over his retarded blog. illiterate mikee and suckup skywalker who can't stop sucking MMs balls long enough to utter an original thought make all of us look dumber than the stupid cunts.

  4. Hey MikeeUSA.

    I figured out how you can get your blog back up.

    Use for a host.

    PressWord is similar to WordPress, except that nobody ever checks what blogs are there. It's just up there floating in cyberspace waiting for anyone who wants to to make a blog on it.

    Usually only spambots make blogs on PressWord, but you could actually move your Rethugican Arena to it and have a legit blog there, and there are no rules on PressWord so noone could ever take it down.

  5. So now we're going to play the feminist game of creating fake posts impersonating faux feminists?

    Can you prove this?

    illiterate mikee and suckup skywalker who can't stop sucking MMs balls long enough to utter an original thought make all of us look dumber than the stupid cunts.

    You talk shit about me and my bros so who the fuck are you.

  6. You have been talking a lot about IMBRA lately and stuff like that,

    Actually it is just the current topic at the moment but it is one that has gotten a lot of female attention and gotten under one's (Robin's) skin so I must be doing something right so if I'm a thorn in their side I'm going to keep doing it.

  7. Looks like the faux posts sarcastically sum up exactly what Mrs Balls of Steele was demanding/asking for. She takes pride in attempting to have Men censored. Balls of Steele also had a pro-castration/physical-emasculation article (Lorenna Bobbit files) up for awhile aswell but took it down after Bob exposed it.

    Luke Skywalker: Thanks :D I'll check that out.

  8. "You have been talking a lot about IMBRA lately and stuff like that,

    Actually it is just the current topic at the moment but it is one that has gotten a lot of female attention and gotten under one's (Robin's) skin so I must be doing something right so if I'm a thorn in their side I'm going to keep doing it."

    Yes, but Masculist Man, you didn't answer the question. The question was do you want us to get Yan Yan into gear to find you a girl like the one that you described in your "Some Thoughts" post?

  9. Not right now Luke but I will keep it in mind. The thing is I don't want a relationship right now due to the current climate. I don't have the money to live overseas and if she came here she would become Americanized. One choice is expensive and the other choice is really expensive.

  10. So, why didn't you post Robin's reply to these questions? You selectively edit some anonymous comments instead of presenting the true picture. Go ahead, post her reply. She does not advocate censorship


  11. EP,

    I don't censor anything here nor do I edit them and since Blogger doesn't allow editting I couldn't edit others comments even if I wanted to. Now if Robin hasn't weighed in on this it is NOT my fault.

  12. One of the mistakes Conservatives made was the belief that if they simply changed Politicians the Feminist Laws would change. Wrong.

    Feminism is deeply ingrained in our culture. In our Churches, Schools, Case Law, Courts, public life, literature and all Institutions. Unless we change the culture the Laws will not change.

    The Reason Foreign Women from non Feminized Countries make better wives is simple. They are not raised in a Feminist culture and do not have the entitlement and anti Male misandric attitudes their Western Sisters have.

    Bring them here long enough and their attitudes will change as well. The statistical success of Foreign Marriages is greater but it is a panacea by no means.

    Men must stop our silence. Engage in public discourse and debate about our rights. Women have fought for equality. I say let them have it with all its responsibilities. Not what they have now. Nine to Five Equality, and Five to Nine Chivalry.

    Women are bemoaning the Loss of Chivalry. And that Men are withdrawing from Women. Insults will not bring Men and Women back together again. Equity and Fairness in the Law. Fair treatment in Family Courts, Fault not No Fault Divorce are good starts.


    I believe in the Laws of Cause and Effect

  13. Khan said, "Women are bemoaning the Loss of Chivalry. And that Men are withdrawing from Women. Insults will not bring Men and Women back together again. Equity and Fairness in the Law. Fair treatment in Family Courts, Fault not No Fault Divorce are good starts."

    I agree with you for a ways, Kahn. But its worse than that. So-caled "family court" is an integral part of a radical FEMINIST social experiment. You CANNOT even oppose feminism while arguning about reforming "family court." It's very existance affirms FEMINIST goals and programs. As long as you argue only how "family court" should operate you are affirming its existane and the moral right of FEMINISM to control and dictate our lives. You cannot support men and our families by affirming FEMINISM.

    The notion of "fair treatment in Family Court" affirms FEMINIST DOMINATION of our society and their right to rule over men. We MEN can only oppose feminiism by standing up and denying ALL their obscene family destroying programs. Not by arguing how best to apply them.



  14. Women in this country are the most bigoted, entitled cretins who ever walked the face of the earth. This is about survival, fellas: they are out to turn us into a permanent slave class. Absolute proof of this lies in the freedom of women to perjure themselves against men with full immunity from prosecution.

    If you are on a jury, vote for the man. When you're in the voting booth, do NOT vote for any politician who panders to women. Post comments online criticizing the criminal justice system. Organize. Through peaceful efforts we can turn this thing around and make America a country worth living in.
