Thursday, January 17, 2008

Misandric cinema

There is a new movie coming out on Friday 1-18-08 called "Teeth" and it has nothing to do with dental hygiene. It is basically about a vagina with teeth. As though there isn't enough misandry in society and enough men sick of it they have to create this shit. It just seems that everyone gets a nut off on misandry and the spreading of it. I'll tell you this,if we were doing something they don't like they would have their enforcers upon us real quick. Imagine this,there is guy who is fed up with female cowshit and when he ejaculates in women instead of it being sperm how about if it is sulfuric acid that shoots off in her and it burns her insides like a well done steak and we can call it "acid head" or whatever and championed it just as the feminazis will do with "teeth". I'm getting sick of their shit and if "acid head" ever came to fruition that would be our response and I would certainly champion that movie.

Anyway here is more about "teeth": here.


  1. If we make a response it should not be a work of fiction. Our response should be making movies showing real massacres of real feminists. We need a revolution. We need a murderous rampage against feminists that is ongoing and never ends (like the which trials must have seemed as they went on for centuries).

  2. Impaling a few cunts on wooden poles in front of the theater would send a good message.

    Or better still impale the producer and director cunts on wooden poles.

  3. InterMune SVP Sells Shares
    InterMune SVP, General Counsel Robin Joan Steele Sells 5,625 Shares
    January 17, 2008: 03:11 PM EST

    NEW YORK (Associated Press) - The senior vice president and general counsel of biotechnology company InterMune Inc. sold 5,625 shares of common stock under a prearranged trading plan, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Wednesday.

    In a Form 4 filed with the SEC, Robin Joan Steele reported she sold the shares Wednesday for $17.91 apiece.

    The stock sale was conducted under a prearranged 10b5-1 trading plan, which allows a company insider to set up a program in advance for such transactions and proceed with them even if he or she comes into possession of material non-public information.

    Insiders file Form 4s with the SEC to report transactions in their companies' shares. Open market purchases and sales must be reported within two business days of the transaction.

    InterMune is based in Brisbane, Calif.

  4. So... maybe that's why she's been so quiet...

  5. Misandric cinema is nothing new.

    The movie entitled "Monster" portrayed a vicious Serial Killer Eileen Warnos who murdered and tortured several Men. She is portrayed as being a "Victim". When in truth she had a violent life her entire life. She was in truth a vicious and violent person. Again Feminists have lied about a Female Serial killer to excuse her behavior.

  6. Damn straight! Women have always and should always be the victims in the movies! I'm sick of these uppity feminazis who don't know their place in film!

  7. I haven't seen the movie (not my cup of tea), but sci-fi sexual killers are almost always women. It is probably what teenage boys want. And as you say the audience would not want to watch a male sexual killer. It is somehow okay to kill if you are blonde and have big boobs.

  8. Masculist man posted:
    ...Imagine this,there is guy who is fed up with female cowshit and when he ejaculates in women instead of it being sperm how about if it is sulfuric acid that shoots off in her and it burns her insides like a well done steak and we can call it "acid head"...

    --Laughing my ass off! That is classic!

  9. Time to make a movie about a member that shoots molten magnesium into the cooches of skanks and hos!

    Check out Tetsuo Iron Giant btw! Guy with giant metal spinning dick impaling bitches!


    This is my review of Teeth

  11. Of course two wrongs don't make it right.

    Maybe you should learn from it, they obviously hate men for a reason, and that reason is usually caused by men in the first place.
    I mean misogyny and disrespect for women is much more prevelant... think of it that way instead of being such a critic.

    But in closing everyone's entitled to free speech, even if it's a movie about a vagina with teeth, without the worry of being impaled, or some other form of death.

  12. Anonymous feminist:

    Then you'll understand why some of us hate women. Women are not the saints you portray them as. Women are the leading cause of misogyny. A lot of men have been hurt by women and are going to express that.

    If you are so first admendment then you don't mind if we produce "acic head".

  13. DO you men realise that this is a myth MEN made up because they were afraid of women's vagina's stealing their penis or mojo? Also that a MAN WROTE IT? And also the imagined violence in film how does that compare to the real LIFE violence of males? Which constitutes almost 90% of all violence. But please continue on your irrational and overemotional soapbox men. It's fucking hilarious. You have found one movie where men are the targets, in a sea where women are.

  14. The guy who wrote "teeth" is what we call a mangina,not a man. I can name a few other movies where man are killed : Ms.45 and I spit on your grave. Don't forget about Thelma and Louise. Also the last seduction series.

  15. Do you really want to me to make a list of all the movies in which women die at the hands of men? Maybe we could also add up all the TV show episodes. How about all the portrayals of women being beaten, raped, abused, shot, and harassed? Ooooh, and then once we're finished with that, we could go through police records and count up every case of violence against women. And if we ever get through that, we could delve into some history books and really start to get a sense of the abuse of power against women. Dude, I'm game, this sounds like fun.

  16. How often is the male punished for hurting the female? How often is the male held accountable for his crimes? The answer to the previous questions is "often and always". How many times is the female portrayed in a sympathetic light? How often does a female try to pass herself off as a "victim"? Answer: often and always.
