Friday, March 28, 2008

Joe Rogan vs. feminist (and possible mangina)


  1. joe rogan rocks he was awesome there makin mincemeat outta that FAT OLD FEMINIST COW !
    After seeing this I am a MAJOR FAN of JOE ROGAN !

  2. This woman was just plain rude, and Joe had every right to act in the way that he did, but I don't think it has anything to do with her gender. Someone talked down to, and threatened him, and he called them on it. That’s all.

  3. Good for him. No need to take this crap from anyone.

  4. Anonymous (January 13, 2010 2:40 AM), I think you are 100% correct. This wasn't about Gender, this was about someone being a shitty person and Joe Rogan going off on 'em.

    First I've seen of Joe Rogan, I'm interested now!
