Electronic cuffs planned for dads
'I don't see any safeguards. This presumes men guilty'
Posted: August 12, 2008
10:28 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Illinois has joined a growing contingent of states to adopt a law that will put electronic GPS tracking bracelets on men who have not been convicted of any crime, but might be involved in a messy divorce.
The plan, named in memory of Cindy Bischoff, who was attacked and murdered by a former boyfriend, was signed into law just days ago and is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1.
And while its goal of protecting women and children from out-of-control husbands and fathers is good, it goes too far and violates the civil rights of innocent fathers, according to a lawyer for a group that will challenge it.
"Electronic tagging devices can be appropriate as a condition of parole or probation," said attorney Jeffery M. Leving, who is a nationally known fathers' rights advocate, the author of "Fathers' Rights" and "Divorce Wars" and founder of DadsRights.com. "The Cindy Bischof Law goes far beyond this, placing long-term electronic tags on men who have never been found guilty of any crime."
According to a website set up in memory of Cindy Bischoff, there are about a dozen states, including Washington, Minnesota, Utah, Colorado, Michigan, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida and Massachusetts, that now have similar provisions. The campaign's goal is to prevent what happened to Bischof from happening to others.
But Leving said there are major constitutional issues that need to be resolved.
"The law carries a presumption of guilt," Leving said, "without the benefit of a trial, yet the foundation of our entire criminal justice system is based on a defendant being presumed innocent until proven guilty."
He said such restraining orders are not unusual.
A recent article by two leaders of the State Bar of California's Family Law Section said such orders "are increasingly being used in family law cases to help one side jockey for an advantage in child custody." And the Illinois Bar Journal has described them as part of the "gamesmanship" of divorce.
But Leving said the full impact of Illinois' new law is that judges can order anyone – mostly men and fathers – to wear a GPS tracking device if they simply are accused of violating an order of protection, with no court conviction or adjudication required.
In fact, he said, "such orders are generally done ex parte, without the accused's knowledge and with no opportunity afforded for him to defend himself."
Such lack of information for the men can result in unknowing violations, Leving said.
"A man can accidentally be in the same park or mall as his ex-wife/girlfriend, and the electronic monitoring device could lead to his arrest even if he never actually saw her. Some men have even been tricked into violating the orders by former spouses. The device will make this easier-a woman could call her estranged husband, tell him she needs him to come to her house because of a crisis with their children, and then have an electronic record of his violation," he said.
"Perhaps such a drastic measure would be warranted if the men forced to wear the devices had meaningful and fair trials, and were found to be guilty of violent or dangerous crimes. However, the Bischof Law empowers judges with the ability to mandate the GPS tracking device on anyone who is accused of violating an order of protection," he said.
"Unfortunately, the rush to protect the abused is so incredibly aggressive that the rights of the accused have been violated," Leving said. "I don't see any safeguard in this law. This law basically presumes in these situations [men] are guilty."
He said his organization will work with lawmakers to make them aware of the potential pitfalls of their new law and will watch cases as they develop to pursue a court challenge to its constitutionality.
I can't wait for Illinois to get sued over this one.
This system is a pathetic joke.
ReplyDeleteLike I said I can't wait for the first lawsuits to roll in.
ReplyDeleteIf I was in the position of a man going through a divorce this electronic cuff atrocity would cause me to kill the woman, and happily anticipate killing police too: it would be a sure thing as they would respond immediatly, rather than having to wonder when they'd come.
ReplyDeleteDeath To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberty.
It is the duty of Men to murder all traitors against Men, and their supporters and benefactors.
I can't wait for the first bullets to punch in. Lawsuits are nothing. Pro-women's rights people need to die for this, untill there are none left willing to admit their guilt in public.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand this. It doesn't make any sense!
ReplyDeletewow... you people are sick! obviously if an order of protection was placed on the man then he did something that hurt the woman physically or threatened her physically, and if the order of protection is broken then obviously her life is in danger! If GPS tracking systems are the only way to keep her and or her children safe then i honestly dont see a problem with it... how would you like if your wife, girlfriend or mother was being stalked my some random man or an ex husband... you would feel the same way. Its very sad how many women and children get killed everyday because of things like this.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous March 28, 2009 1:56 AM,
ReplyDeleteYou are the one who is sick not us. Women fraudnetly pursue orders of protection based on LIES. The women know it and judge knows it but fucks the man over anyway and you seem to support it. If your brother,uncle,son or nephew were to be falsely accused of domestic violence or rape what would you do? Probably side with the false accuser.
truthfuly speaking NO ONE knows what the whole truth is! and yes some women do make false accusations but there are far more who make truthful ones that are ignored and they end up killed, and not until after hundreds of women are killed this way do people realize "oh maybe something should be done about this". Besides what is said in this article is not entirely correct. The law states "In a domestic violence case, if a domestic abuser is arrested for violating a restraining order and appeals for bail, the Cindy Bischof Law requires that the abuser must undergo a risk assessment evaluation and gives the court authority to require a GPS device be worn if bail is granted. In addition, the court must order the abuser to be evaluated by a partner abuse intervention program and order the respondent to follow all recommendations. The law also establishes an abuser’s failure to attend and complete a partner abuse intervention program as a new offense if the restraining order is violated." Therefore there are plenty of assessments done before the man has to wear the GPS tracker. Only if he is seen as a definite threat is he required to wear it.
ReplyDeleteAnon March 28, 2009 8:20 PM,
ReplyDeleteYou act as though you OWN the truth now we get you don't know either. Typical female trait:when push comes to shove women fall apart. Why do women do that?
On rape: the U.S. Air Force did a study on rape and found that 60% of all accusations are FALSE,in fact they are LIES because the female DELIBERATELY file false charges. A recent occurance was the stripper who filed false MALICIOUS charges against the 3 Duke lacrosse players. Is this something you support?
On the rest: judges hand out orders of protection just has liquor stores sell beer and that is a lot and the judge issues them on her word alone and the man is screwed just as your side planned it but now we are waking up and counterstriking.
Women have been known to trick men into thinking they can get back together especially if children are involved and the law supports them in arresting and incarcerating men. This is femarica just you planned where men don't really give a fuck if you agree or not because if not I can sharped my debating skills. When the police assist the woman into turning the man over after enticing him into violating the restraining order,this is called "ambush justice". Do you support it?
maybe the man should have enough self control to not go along with what the woman is wanting him to do if he knows he sould get in trouble or that she could set him up. If a woman had a restraining order against you and yet she tries to get you to come visit her, the smart thing to do would be for you to tell her to drom the restraining order and then go and meet with her. If you allow a woman to seduce you knowing da** well she has a restraining order against you then you should have enough sense to not go along with it...cuz thats just going to put you in a bad position.
ReplyDeleteThat answers none of my points.
ReplyDeleteDon't act is if women don't play emotional games as it is a detestable female trait.
Now answer my questions just as I answered your points.
actually they dont hand out orders of protection like "liquor stores sell beer" ive met plenty of girls through highschool whose mothers were being beaten and nothing was done about it even tho cops have been called plenty of times. But honestly im taking evey word yu write into consideration as your side of the story...ive clearly stated that YES some women do make false accusations but im just trying to show you the side where they arent false and many women do lose their lives to the hands of abusive husbands/lovers/ex's and its sad...no one should have to go through that and also no man should have to endure false accusations but the truth of the matter is...shit happens. im not giving in to what your saying im just asking that you see this situation from both sides...
ReplyDeletewe just need to agree to disagree
Oh yeah,we're going to disagree,I knew that from the start.
ReplyDeleteInteresting you should use the phrase "shit happens" because we all know your side has clamored for special rights at the expense of men's basic rights and I'm sure if someone has asked one of these feminazis about how it effects men I'm sure that particular phrase would come up and I'm sure they would be cavilier about it as well.
On with the rest:
Were there false accusations made in the past for the cops to take this attitude. Dr. Murry Strauss has done extensive studies into the subject of domestic violence and he has found that domestic violence is a two way street with females being more violent than males in the realationship. Are these females you cite are they personal friends? Just because they are female you take their word as gold?
To refute what you said:
I know of a conniving woman who got a restraining order against a man and use it to rob him so when he was allowed to return home everything was gone.
Please cite where women have been wronged in domesic violence.With VAWA which excludes men and children from its protection how are women disadvantaged? With special programs for women in acadamia and the workplace how are women disadvantaged?
yet again your not seeing it from both sides... I have never said that domestic abuse was one sided, there are plenty of men who take out restraining orders against their ex girlfriends and as far as ive read it doesnt say that ONLY MEN would have to wear the GPS trackers it says "domestic abusers" the only reason that I have personally said "men" is because you guys are only saying "women"...once again all I ask is that you see from both sides...and as for the girls in high school, yes they were personal friends and when i was a young child I also witnessed my best friends mom get raped by her ex boyfriend...
ReplyDeletealso, yes some women are conniving as you put it but so are men...and men are far more advantaged than women are, they are stronger and usually have lots of pulls when it comes to dealing with the law (im not saying all do)
What you are doing right now is being slightly hypocritical (please exuse any misspellings) its as though youre saying that im only seeing this situation from one side...which I admit in the beginning I was but honestly everyone just needs to see things from both sides...
as far as womens organizations and other things, like honestly women are very mistreated as a whole, and for america to be free and equal, its so sad to see this going on...and really the only thing that got me posting on here in the first place was the comment stating "If I was in the position of a man going through a divorce this electronic cuff atrocity would cause me to kill the woman, and happily anticipate killing police too:" like I didnt have a problem with this article or anything it was just that comment that was really disturbing to me and the fact that someone would write that is really messed up....the women who are being hurt are mothers, sisters, cousins,nieces, aunts, and grandmothers and I just dont understand why anyone would want to do that and I truly feel that if something like this were to happen in the family of someone who would say something like that, they would change their views on the right to be protected from dangerous people...and they would also wish that laws like this were around...thats all I'm trying to convey....
What I'm telling you is not sinking in either. Feminists have pressured politicians to pressure the police into doing what the woman wants and arrests the man. The domestic violence industry defines domestic violence as male on female violence. Domestic violence shelters discrimate against men and refuse to help them. Like I said women have tons of agencies to help them;men none.
ReplyDeleteGet this through your skull:women are not oppressed nor have they ever been oppressed.
I happen to know that women are very vindictive and lie on men every day to get them arrested with false allegations of domestic abuse. And YES they can get an injunction without having a good reason. This happened to my son and all the girl had to do was say she got hit. With no marks on her at all she got him arrested. She said she was in fear for her life and he was re-arrested after being bonded out. Women lie, cheat and steal men's lives from them and all they have to do is say..I was hit. That is an atrocity!!! I don't blame men for being angry. I'm very angry and ashamed to call myself a woman. What is wrong in a country when females can do this to good men? If this isn't stopped the prisons will be full of all ourt good men and the streets will be run by the crazies that put them there.
ReplyDeletewomen have been opressed since the beginning of time, women have always been seen as inferior to men and its rediculous
ReplyDeleteI have been going thru a devorce to 2 years. The devorce is costing 10s of thousnads of dollars. My ex has stolem $195000. and opened credit in my name and the police won't do anything. But she was able to get an Order of Protection against me. I have a GPS on my leg and have not gone to court yet simply because she said i broke the order. I just want to be left alone and the courts won't help she's the victim. NO I"M the Victim i keep getting harrassed and lost everything. So for those who think it's always the guy your Are SOOOOOOOOOO wrong
ReplyDeleteHow have women been oppressed?
ReplyDeleteonce upon a time women couldnt own property, couldnt vote, were married off to men twice their age, and now even today many are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves, a man and woman can have the same job title and be on the same level as far as skill and yet the man gets paid more and will continue to get paid more(glass ceiling theory of sociology)and theres much more...
ReplyDelete"Once upon a time" is how most fables start and why should yours be any different. Women could own property;if the husband died the wife would own the home. Also women had special rights that men never enjoyed during the 19th century and if a woman violated the law her husband did the time.
ReplyDeleteToday women either make the same as men doing equal work or more than men. The glass ceiling is a lie.
no they dont where do you get that they make more than men from?
ReplyDeletefables really? what you just said still puts women second in a society where everyone is supposed to be equal...and second you need to check the facts about your "fable" about women making more money than men....because on average they make at least $10,000 more than women
ReplyDeleteJohn Stossel of 20/20 explores the wage gap myth:
ReplyDeletewage gap myth
Here is where female exec outearn male execs:
ReplyDeletefemales outearn males
I meant to say female execs outearn male execs.
ReplyDeleteThat video talks about women and men in different jobs...Im saying men and women in the SAME job...
ReplyDeleteThe Pay Equity Act of 1963 states that men and women have to be paid equally for equal work. Equal pay is already codified into law. Why push for something that has already been a law for 46 years?
ReplyDeleteThe wage gap is a fraud as I've proven that. Domestic violence is a two way street as women don't own exclusively victimhood on that one as both genders can be violent.Also the false report rate for rape is 60%,this is where the bitch LIED. How do you feel about incarcerating innocent men?
when have i said it was one sided? youre making things up! i said that i dont feel as though women should be getting killed over these things as many are...and i dont think any innocent person should be locked up...and just because its a law doesnt mean people obey it,ppl have orders of protection agaist them that doesnt mean they obey them does it? also why must you use such harsh language? i thought this was a civilized conversation but apparently not
ReplyDeleteWhat have I made up?
ReplyDeleteI argue for the men's side because that perspective is missing elsewhere.
Looks like whoever Masculist Man is debating is getting pounded hard every turn by simple logic.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever saw a losing argument, this would be it, if I published a book on debate, anon's position and responses would be all over the examples of a failed argument.
HAHA youre hilarious...truly! the only thing i am trying to say is that resorting to violence in situations like this is wrong and very extreme, like i told you before when i first started posting i had no intention on arguing about this and maybe i approached it the wrong way but you and other ppl who have posted have been too. Truth ofthe matter is there are many misleading things written in your article and a truthful understanding of the law could help that, because you are basicly promoting the killing of the INNOCENT women who fall victim to domestic violence, and yes domestic violence is a two way street, i never denied that, yet you keep trying to make it seem like i am, the thing is that statistics show that domestic violence cases are primarily filed when a woman is being abused by a man, and even then THOUSANDS of cases are going unreported, there are also men who are abused by their wives or gf's or whatever who also dont report that either way if this law can help prevent ANY KIND of domestic violence then it should be in affect....AND the law is NOT limited to men like i have clearly stated before!
ReplyDeletedating back to a while ago...the definition of domestic violence is actually "Domestic Violence is a pattern of coercive behavior that is used by a person against family or household members or dating partners to gain power or control over the other party in a relationship. This behavior may be include any of the following: physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological intimidation, verbal abuse and threats, stalking, isolation from friends and family, economic control, destruction of personal property and animal cruelty." didnt acknowledge tht mistake before.
ReplyDeleteTypical feminist tactic:always refer to women as innocent victims. The woman I had listed was not a victim but a criminal.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure whenever you go to a mangina board they kiss your ass. I don't do that here if I disagree then I say so. I'm not towing the feminist line,never had never will.
So VAWA applies to men as well? That dog don't hunt.
Also you ducked my question:
What have I made up?
Domestic violence today is spinned by your side as "men beating women". Murry Strauss,when he did his research,was threatened by feminists (threatened with bodily harm) if he stood up and challenged the feminist party line that showed women just as violent as men.
ReplyDeleteso do you believe that not one man on earth has ever abused their wife?
ReplyDeleteFeminists have pushed the definition of "abuse" to mean anything the female doesn't like. Walking away is now considered "abuse",not giving her any of his money is "abuse". Not listening to her whine in now "abuse".
ReplyDeleteyou know what im talking about when i say that... physical abuse dont play dumb
ReplyDeleteI'm pointing out that feminists have changed the definition of abuse to suit their needs.
ReplyDeleteBefore I answer your question answer this one:where did I make things up? I've have waited for an answer and you have ducked it.
by trying to tell me tht abuse is a two way street when clearly ive said that there are women who do bad things...yet you havent admitted to the fact that there are men who do bad things also... youre basicly saying that one bad apple ruins the bunch by repeating that you know of a woman who is coniving, im sorry that youve had a bad expirience but at least you were killed by it...
ReplyDeleteThe incident I was talking about happened to someone else but it is applicable here. It sounds like there is more female-on-male violence than the other way around. Besides for all we know these men could be merely defending themselves.
ReplyDeletebut you dont know either do you? however an order of protection is a womans way of "merely defending themselves"
ReplyDeleteLets look at a few cases of domestic violence shall we?
just a few...
There are a few extreme cases of female on male violence in which the female drove her car through the man's front window. How about other more famous domestic violence victims like the late Phil Hartman and Clara Harris' husband. Like what one of your sites said that the more famous,prestigious the more likely of it getting reported by the media. Don't forget Mary Winkler's husband. You know,the one who was SHOT TO DEATH WHILE HE SLEPT and all because she squandered the money on a pyramid scheme and possibly would have divorced her for it so she MURDERS him instead. It seems as though your side has made male life real cheap these days. Something I'm sure you are proud of.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous you are wasting your time attempting to educate the uneducatable. It seems as though Masculist most likely has a history of DV or will in his future based on his rantings. He lacks insight into the real history and every day experiences of women and picks topics to fit his own diluted version of reality. From an individual who works in this area and knows the truth, this entire blog does nothing more than prove why women have had to fight for their rights and why they must continue doing so. Masculist and like-minded individuals will never have an army big enough to stop my from fight for equality for all human beings.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous May 12, 2009 4:22 PM,
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck are you? Some cunt who believes everything should fit her cookie-cutter version of what life should be or some rape validator who rubbers stamps everything the fault of men or you don't benefit from it.
Anonymous you are wasting your time attempting to educate the uneducatable.No,it means I not swallowing your propagandous lies.
ReplyDeleteyes you are right other anonymous :) i really dont know why ive been wasting my time.... he keeps saying i need to see the other side but hes being completely hypocritical by not seeing ours...
ReplyDeleteYou're the one who doesn't want to see male victims of domestic violence. Also I don't buy into lies and that is what feminism is:lies. I refuse to be indoctrinated.
ReplyDeleteAll women should be fitted with LED indicators showing hormonal balances. This is to alert men, children and the elderly of PMT.
ReplyDeleteWhen does it get to a point that men simply don't have a state in Western society and don;t care?
Probably now. Feminism in an inherently sexist ideology and is as incompatible with justice as male chauvinism.
Shame, we kinda liked you gals but if you're going to keep making our lives miserable maybe we should just give up and let the Arabs take over.
A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will deserve neither and lose both.
ReplyDeleteNothing is politically right which is morally wrong.
Thomas Jefferson
When Amy Rezos went to meet her estranged husband to talk about a divorce, she never imagined what would happen next. When the couple separated, Chris got a hotel room. On July 2, 2004, Amy thought she was meeting him in the hotel to finalize the details of the divorce. Instead, she was walking into a carefully planned trap. As the couple argued over the custody of their two boys, Chris snapped. "I just remember seeing a look on him that I had never ever seen before in my life. It was a look ... like a monster," she said. Amy was savagely beaten. Someone in a nearby room heard the commotion and called the police.
ReplyDeleteWhen officer Paul Lovett arrived, Chris Rezos tried to convince him that they were victims of a robbery. But Lovett didn't buy it.
"I could see a woman on the floor covered in blood. The bathroom was covered in blood. I was certain she was dying. I asked her to blink once for no, twice for yes," Lovett said. When police searched Chris, his elaborate plot became clear. They found rubber gloves, Amy's jewelry and credit cards to make it look like a robbery, even a to-do list Chris had written on Post-it notes. As the 35-year-old woman lay near death, Lovett tried to speak to her, "I asked if your husband did this to you and blink once for no, twice for yes, and she blinked twice," he said.
Her injuries were severe. "I had the four skull fractures. I had over 30 staples put in my head ... a small fracture in my vertebrae. And I had bruises all over, rug-burn marks on my knees, from where he had dragged me into the bathroom," she said. Her family was shocked at the extent of her injuries, but they got another shock when they found out Chris had been released on bond.
"He was taken in custody at 6 p.m. on Friday night, and by noon the next day, he was out on $2,000 bond," Amy's brother Kevin Jones said. A few days later, Chris Rezos was arraigned, but the judge never heard the details of the savage beating or the carefully calculated murder plot. So he was released again -- this time on a $100,000 bond. The police told Amy to change all the locks in her home. A restraining order was granted to prevent Chris from seeing her. Amy said she had no reason to think she wouldn't be safe.
Chris was staying with his parents and made no attempts to communicate with her or see her -- until just a few weeks later.
ReplyDeleteOn July 26, as Amy was in her van pulling out of the driveway and heading to work, Chris was hiding in the back with a gun.
"He came up from behind me, behind my seat, and said, "Turn right." And I remember screaming, slamming on the brakes and screaming. And that is when he shot me," Amy said.
Instead of stepping on the brakes, Amy hit the accelerator causing the van to crash. Chris's head broke the windshield.
Sheriff's detectives Rob Whitlock and Ken Hardin arrived on the scene soon after. The detectives found the bullet that had gone through Amy's head on the floor, a gun and a baked potato that Chris had intended to use as a silencer on the passenger seat.
When the detectives reached the hospital, doctors told them Amy was unlikely to live. They quickly tried to get a statement from her while she remained conscious. Whitlock said they were able to record her identifying her husband, Chris, as her assailant.
For the second time in a month, Amy Rezos was at death's door after her husband tried to kill her. Her mother, Sally, feared the worst.
"When they were taking her to surgery ... I felt so helpless. All I could say was, 'Dear God, please, don't let her die,' " she said.
Amy was again in the intensive care unit, this time with two gunshot wounds to the head. Her eye socket was shattered. She had bullet fragments in her brain. But once again, Amy refused to die.
ReplyDeleteAmy regained consciousness four days after the shooting, and she recalls how she felt when she first saw her sons. "That was the only part I'm going to cry about is seeing my kids. But it was wonderful to see them. You just don't even know how much you miss your kids until you get through something like that," she said.
Chris was on crutches from injuries sustained in the car crash, but pleaded not guilty to shooting Amy. After two attempts on Amy's life, he sat in the Butler County jail awaiting trial. Incredibly, he remained determined to kill his wife. From behind bars, Chris Rezos hatched yet a third plot to kill Amy.
This time, he didn't just want Amy killed. He wanted to kill her brother and her mother as well.
Chris put out a $10,000 contract on their lives through a man in the prison he thought was a hit man. Amazingly, Chris put everything in writing. He drew a map of Amy's neighborhood, detailing her hair color and what kind of car she drove. He even listed in what order the killings should occur.
Whitlock said, "He wanted Amy done first and then at the very bottom he writes 'Sally would be a bonus.' " The detectives captured Chris on tape as he finalized the deal with their informer from inside the jail.
Whitlock and Hardin said they had never seen a man with such determination to commit murder. "It's mind-boggling. I believe he started with a seed of hatred and the hatred just devoured his soul," detective Hardin said.
After three failed attempts to kill his wife, Chris stood in court faced with overwhelming evidence. He agreed to plead guilty, rather than face trial -- and a possible life sentence -- and was sentenced to 30 years in prison without parole.
Amy is still healing from her injuries, and the surgeries are not yet over. But she has once again bounced back with remarkable resilience. She says taking care of her boys has given her little time to get angry or scared.
Instead of living in fear, Amy is taking action by speaking out for a change in Ohio state law. "Amy's Law," as it's called, would require judges to use a risk-assessment checklist before letting a domestic abuser out on bond.
Had a law like this been in place, Amy believes Chris would never have been set free after the first attack.
In an address to the Ohio State Senate, Amy challenged legislators to "think about your own daughters and granddaughters and think about them if something like this happened to them. It only takes one person to try make a change, and I'm gonna do that."
Amy is courageous and grateful, simply feeling lucky to be alive and able to raise her two sons. "I have very many guardian angels watching over me. And I'm very lucky, very lucky."
Feminist anonymous:
ReplyDeleteThere have been men just as beaten and shot as what you are describing. There are cases where men have had plates thrown at them by wives or girlfriends. Domestic violence is not a man on woman problem it is a human problem.
you're saying that now but as i read some of your past comments you seem to have thought women were the only evil ones
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the objective numbers women commit most of the domestic violence and child abuse. Men don't abuse at the same rate women do.
ReplyDeleteis this a gay site?
ReplyDeleteNo,it's a men's rights site. If you are looking for a gay site keep looking elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous2....Ive been through a custody case. Simply put, if you're a man, her legal counsel will use whatever method necessary to force you to negotiate financially. The process works like this: 1.theyll get an order of protection to alienate you from your child and force you into a quick and irrational agreement that will screw you forever--DONT TAKE THE DEAL. 2)Theyll ask the judge for you to pay her legal fees. 3)Theyll use the child as leverage to get the best deal.no matter what your relationship with your child was previous to the split, the woman in her state of panic will do whatever and say whatever..THE CHILD WILL NOT BE HER PRIORITY although you will hear a hundred times "its best for he child" 4)The woman will always be the "victim" of the aggressive male...this is foundation of theyre case.
ReplyDeleteAdvice to men:
1)Stay calm, dont say to much, dont give the other side any clues to your strategy.
2)Dont take quick deals
3)The law is not fair to you as a man. get over it and find out how to win.
4)Be smart. Use your brain. Read the Art of War.
5)Find support. Yes mr. macho man, you will need support.
6)Do not trust the woman under any circumstances
Now, I fought, I won. It took a year. I wasent married , thank God. I never will be. My daughter lives with me. I was able to use the lies, the judges errors, the attempted shakedowns and turned it against her during the trail. In the end a child needs a mother and a father. Fathers understands that, the mother dont. Look at the numbers around the country.....find out how many men are requesting full custody or limited visitation of their exes. Numbers dont lie. I love my women...however...most of you when push comes to shove will lie, play victim, and make emotional decisions in the heat of the battle without regard for the long term effects. Because in the end...your hurting yourself.
Masculist is just a dirty dick sucking faggot who wants to hide it by acting like he hates women and is tough. Ignore him, he's a train wreck waiting to happen. I wonder what hideous deep secrets and pain this complete arsehole is hiding
ReplyDeleteI wonder what hideous deep secrets and pain this complete arsehole is hiding
ReplyDeleteThen I suggest picking up a copy of "Everything you wanted to know about Masculist Man but were afraid to ask".
"The complete book on Masculist Man".