Friday, May 22, 2009

Rapist parties in bar

Mary Kay Letourneau is back and now she has a night to celebrate in a Seattle bar,which is hosting "Hot for teacher" night. Read about it here. The owner,Mike Morris,had this to say:That Letourneau has served her time, married her beau and it should be okay for them to have a little fun on a Saturday night.

“It's turned into sort of a love story," Morris told the Associated Press. "I realize it had a sick twist at the beginning, but they're both adults now. They're both married by the state of Washington.”

If the genders had been reversed would everyone be welcoming a male rapist with open arms and a forgiving attitude? More likely it would vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and the police letting them get away with it. As far as Morris is concerned if this mangina would be anally raped I wouldn't be in such a rush to punish either considering he would probably wanted it that way. Let's see how much time Letourneau got: 6 years and the permission from the young man's mother. If this were a man he would still be in prison and if he kept in touch with the victim he would be looking at additional time,no sympathic mother or public and most likely Morris would not be throwing a theme party for him either.

It's like I said in the past; it's not about getting rapists it's about getting men,plain and simple.


  1. Bloody wonderful. Woody Allen gets raked over the coals for doing a 17 year old, this scumbag goes after a prepubescent boy and gets treated like a hero by other women. I hope the Swine flu gets her.

  2. This is absolute proof beyond any and all doubt, there is a double standard between the way the system and society views and treats males and females when it comes to violating and preying/predatind on children. Where is the feminist outrage over this?

  3. "If the genders had been reversed would everyone be welcoming a male rapist with open arms and a forgiving attitude? More likely it would vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and the police letting them get away with it."

    Flawless logic and truth.


  4. You got that right FWO.

  5. There is absolutely a double standard. I teach school and find it personally abhorrent that someone (besides a pre-pubescent girl) would actually find a pre-pubescent boy attractive. I love my students, but only insofar as I care about their having successful lives. I have heard a few boys complain about certain female teachers being forward or making them feel uncomfortable, but they are afraid to come forward for fear of being ridiculed by their friends and the male administration (who understandably fear reprisal from the female teachers) in the school. On the other hand, plenty of girls freely accuse and spread rumors about male teachers and coaches being "perverts," requesting that they be removed from such teachers' classes simply because they don't like the class. I have a 13-year-old son myself; and if some oversexed b**** laid her hands on him, she'd either be dead, or live to regret it.


  6. The owner MIKE MORRIS MIKE MORRIS MIKE FUCKING MORRIS! A man or a woman??!! A MAN or a woman? I am not outraged because I did not know. Why should feminists fight for a young MAN?

  7. Why should men give a fuck about women? Why waste our time with them?
