Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Activism time again

IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS: Tell Sen. Hatch to “Investigate Abusegate!”
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
By Abusegate Bob
IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS: Tell Senator Hatch to “Investigate Abusegate!”

Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah often says one of his proudest legislative legacies is passage of the Violence Against Women Act. Apparently Sen. Hatch is unaware of the uncounted falsehoods, ignored male victims, and broken-up families that are the true legacies of VAWA. Ironically, Sen. Hatch also counts himself as a stout defender of Constitutional protections such as due process, probable cause for arrest, and equal treatment under the law.

WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS, Sen. Hatch needs to receive thousands and thousands and thousands of phone calls, emails, and faxes with the very simple message, “Investigate Abusegate!”


Telephone: 202-224-5251


Two federal laws — the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 — prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. But an authoritative report documents continued bias against male victims of domestic violence:

Last October a West Virginia judge ruled the gender-biased practices of the state’s Family Protection Services Board, which funds 14 abuse shelters throughout the state, to be “null and void:”

The civil rights of persons falsely accused of domestic violence are often ignored, as well. The Fourth Amendment requires evidence of probable cause before an arrest can be made, a requirement that is compromised by state-level mandatory arrest laws:
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees due process and equal protection under the law, a promise that is ignored by legal assistance programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act that provide free services to domestic violence plaintiffs, but not to defendants:

To highlight the widespread civil rights abuses, a new Abusegate, Investigate! webpage recently has been established, which can be viewed at abuse gate men's newsdaily.
“Addressing domestic violence has turned from an important social cause into a well-heeled industry that is crippled with inefficacy and corruption. The new Abusegate, Investigate! webpage provides a valuable service by educating the public about these problems and offering viable solutions,” notes Paul Elam, editor-in-chief of

These civil rights abuses have the effect of harming father-child relationships and breaking down the family structure, forcing children into single-parent households. This places kids at greater risk of a broad range of social pathologies, including school drop-out, delinquency, and teenage pregnancy.
The groups calling for the Congressional investigation are asking that the reauthorizations of the Violence Against Women Act and Family Violence Prevention and Services Act impose strong penalties for continued sex-discriminatory practices and civil rights violations.

Source:click here

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