Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some more thoughts

The most evil music that has ever been created isn't rap or heavy metal, no it's those '70's love songs. Those songs that make women out to be sweet,wonderful,caring and nurturing that men just don't understand. The ones that make women out to be on the perfect wavelength that men can't get right. Those songs fucked up an entire generation. Marilyn Manson once said that the most evil music was by Lionel Ritchie and yes that is true. What can we do about it? I say sue the bastards for lying about women. These assholes lied more times than a tobacco company CEO before Congress. Why not? The tobacco companies got sued why not these assholes? I say that the ones that didn't kill themselves using IV drugs or on skid row fighting the rats for their food should cough up compensation. I'm serious they brainwashed an entire generation. How many male suicides were committed because of the false images that were produced?

Rap on the other hand tells the truth about women,how shallow and fucked up they are. One of the masculist greats,Richard Doyle and founder of masculism/MRM that we know of today and he is a pioneer in this movement has said: "Perhaps the misogyny in rap is a reaction to the misandry in society". Doyle has been doing this for a long time and he has my respect for telling it how it is. Rap is a reaction to feminism and what feminism is doing to society. A lot of guys in it most likely grew up in single mother homes without a father figure and they see what feminism has done to them and also seeing females getting privileges that are denied them because they weren't born with a pussy. Affirmative action has helped more white women than black males which is weird because it was meant to help black males due to past transgressions. How was Scarlett O'Hara abused the way the slaves were? And like Warren Farrell said white females belong to the same families that the (so-called) "oppressors" do. These same females get everything handed to them,from biological daddy to sugar daddy to big government daddy. Men are pretty much on their own.


  1. Yep and Scarlett O'Hara got free rides from 3 different husbands!Read RHETT BUTLER'S side of the story:

  2. its correct but up to some extent only.

  3. It is not just 70's love songs that are to blame. May be that was your period but mine was earlier and the same trick and falsehood was operating then as well.

    What really made the difference for me was Hollywood films that I saw as a boy. They presented a picture of women as beautiful and desirable. Yes I wanted one of those very badly. Well now many decades later I can tell you I never found what I wonted. What I found was exploitation and misery.

    I am not one of those who single out feminist as the sole cause of my catastrophe. Really it is women and female nature that lies at the root of men's misery together with their own misplaced need for women.

    The best think that could have ever happened to me is that by some trick of biology all my need for women and sex had been removed from my nature. I think without these things I could have has a happy life. As it was this if far from want happened.
