Thursday, June 17, 2010

Feminitized thinking helps unemployment

I was reading Yahoo this morning and I came across an article about unemployment. No, it didn't talk about unemployed men it said something else interesting enough to make this blog. No,it talked about a female mindset in the employment decision making and one that can make someone unemployed go "what's the use"? This involves a female mind set in hiring practices today. It seems that the only way to get a job is if you already have one this brings me to the the female mindset about boyfriends; they always want the other girl's guy. They will do this over taking a single guy. This is however about the economy and just how did this mindset seep its way into the business world? I didn't get the answer until the last paragraph of the article:

Thompson said he also thinks ruling out the unemployed is a bad idea. But he said that part of the problem is that recruiters and human resource departments are being overwhelmed with applications for any job opening that is posted. So they're looking for any short-cuts to get the list of applicants to consider down to a more manageable size.

Source:click here

Now if you read a lot of MRA blogs as I have you notice guys in this business world talk about human resources and how they are staffed by WOMEN. That's right,the female adolesent mentality of covetness is probably keeping you from finding work and feeding yourself. But then again this is what women and manginas wanted: a matriarchy and now people will see that the matriarchy is monstorous and if they don't feel it themselves their families or other dependents might.


  1. Sadly, this won't usher in THE REVOLUTION(TM). Men, especially American Men, will suffer any injustice without a wimper. Men support women's rights.

  2. Did you know that up until two years ago the legal age of consent in canada was 14.
    Now it is 16. The next stepping stone is 18.

    All over the world, in both rich and poor countries, men are being denied young virgin wives. Men who like young fertile females are demonized hated and murdered as "pedophiles".

    This is because women and their allies have power in the most powerful and rich countries in the world and are using that power to have the powerful and rich countries of the world bribe the poor countries of the world into passing pro-women's rights laws and enforcing them.

    This largely happened beginning in the 1990s (in the richer areas it started in the 1980s (same with anti-marital rape laws)).

    Women and the men who support them do not want men to have young obedient and mold-able females as wives.

    They do not want men to be happy. They want women to be happy. Women are happy today with their freedoms and the ever-growing restrictions being placed upon men.

    The fact of the matter is that MOST men and almost all women support these restrictions being placed upon men. (Even anti-feminist men such as Anon68, for instance, support the laws which forbid men from acquiring young fertile females as obedient wives.) Democracy cannot help us. Only violent revolution and the murder of our ideological enemies can turn the tide.

    Men who admit to being attracted to young fertile female human beings are a minority, 1/5th of the male population at most. Men who are attracted to fertile young females under the age of 20 are only 1/3rd of the men of the world: these men are the men who have more testosterone than the other 2/3rds and appreciate unblemished skin and an obedient, an immature, demeanor. (Submissiveness is a trait of the immature less powerful vs the more mature more powerful. The female in mammalian species is the immature specimen, as she grows older closer to menopause and the sex-specific traits begin to fade so does her immaturity: she becomes more like a male of the species. This mature trait can be selected for (and is by most men of our societies) and boosted until the female is not much dissimilar to the male. These men are our enemies)

    Two thirds of the men of the world are NOT attracted AT ALL to 12, 13, 14 year old fertile young women. Nor are they attracted to 15, 16, or 17 year olds, they are attracted to specifically only 20 year olds and older.

    These men are our enemies: they stand against us. We must disenfranchise them or kill them because we do not share common cause with us.

  3. @anonymous.

    Good theory - and some ring to it.

    But - I would also add the money factor.

    By arresting men, you get their money.

    It's easy to get a woman's money - simply bombard her with male-bashing commercials - as is being done today - you get their money.

    Men on the other hand - tend to save their money rather than frivolously spend it.

    Hence, finding new and creative ways to force men to spend their money - by arresting them (legal fees, bail, etc) - is another piece to the puzzle...

  4. I've been a hiring manager for years and the headaches with women are far more pronounced. Still, it seems any government initiatives are aimed at assisting women in finding jobs and advancing.

    It's really a funny thing as this current recession is hitting men much harder.

  5. >>(Even anti-feminist men such as Anon68, for instance, support the laws which forbid men from acquiring young fertile females as obedient wives.)

    Stop lying, and stop speaking for me, MikeeUsa. In an ideal society, when women are ready to be sexually active, it makes more sense to marry them to mature men who can support them and their children, but that is currently outlawed by our society.

    So, they are still sexually active, but they get pregnant by snot nosed kids who can't buy chewing gum without a handout from Mommy, and another future convict is born, and the taxpayers have to support the whole mess.

    Since marrying young women is outlawed, and you will be destroyed by first going to prison, then by the sex offender registry only a fool will attempt to mate with women in the age bracket you lust after.

    That does not mean I support current laws, just don't believe it's smart to violate them.

    Tell us, how many women have you had sex with? Last time I checked it was zero, right?

    Anonymous age 68
