Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feminist wetdream come true

Yeah! Why aren't the feminists screaming at the tops of their lungs over this issue, anyway? The answer, of course, is that they are congenital cowards. They'll bite the hand that feeds them but lick the boots that kick them. Utterly contemptible.

Anonymous November 21, 2010 1:06 PM

This from an anonymous poster on The world according to Bob Don't touch my junk in which the conversation is what is to be allowed in searching people before they board a commercial flight. Civil libertarians discuss this but they won't attack it from the point of view that I'm coming from. This issue was brought up on an MRA board and MRA's are discussing it. There is one thing: the silence from the feminist community is absolutely deafening. Women are being groped and the feminists say nothing about it. Why is that? I have a theory and that it is the next step in the government-as-husband scenario and that is government-as-jerk boyfriend. The way the government is currently acting is that of a jerk. Pushing people around and burdening them. This must be very appealing to the feminists as this is the ultimate in jerks. Feminists are a lost cause and that is very evident at this point.


  1. Curiously enough, my dear, a brief look at the major feminist blogs would show some serious interest being taken in the TSA debacle by said feminist community.

    Not that I'd expect you to do so, however. It might strain you. (And we all know you have much more important things to do with that manly mind and those manly hands than to check out your competition....)

  2. And we have a fembot bingo winner. Teress certainly is making the rounds and almost every post she makes, is nothing more than shaming language.

    What an intellectual giant she is, with all this witty response.

  3. Could you love this girl: http://northshorejournal.org/LinkedImages//2010/04/Afghan-girl-and-Marine.jpg
    ? Would you think she would make a good long-term wife?

    Please answer.

    Is there understanding on why, in men's countries, including old england before the 1800s, females were married young. When they're young they can love, they can learn to obey, they can learn to be the man's toy whom he loves more than anything else. Their whole life, after awhile, is their husband.

    I think that girl will be a real looker in a few years.

  4. @Teressa: Based on your post, I must respect that you have the ability to visuallyinspect the inside of your colon, for the presence of cancerous polyps.

    @Anonymous: How's your dyspareunia coming along? It is treatable you know.

  5. @Teressa - Yes, it might strain anyone that tries to read their claptrap, especially in terms of credibility.

    Now go home and tell your girlfriend you need an extreme makeover, my little attention ho.

  6. I thought you and your eeaders might enjoy this:

