Thursday, February 3, 2011

Activist time again

Currently there is legislation before Congress that would allow abortions in incidents such as rape. The definition the Republican Congress is using is "forcible rape" i.e. rape with force involved. As you may guess this Congress is under feminist assault because feminists want to expand the definition of "rape" to be anything they want it to be. Feminists redefinitions insures that more men are sent to hellholes also known as prisons than would have if "rape" had never been redefined. Email your Congressperson and tell them that you support the "forcible rape" definition as the definition for "rape". This would help a lot.


  1. The Republicans caved in and deleted their definition of rape. At least they have banished funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.

  2. That seems to be a bad habit with the repubicans. Crazies to the left of me and cowards to the right.
