Sunday, February 27, 2011

Child soldiers in Somalia

Wait a minute how can this be? Don't we always hear how little girls are forced into prostitution and how the world hates women? Isn't that the drivel we hear from the pieholes of blowarts such as Oprah Winfrey about how only girls suffer and that she established a school for girls only,ignoring boys. Feminists don't really care about the needs of males so boys don't count. We'll males do count and what is happening to these boys in Somalia is abuse and it's an abuse that is being ignored by the world media certainly the western MSM. No the only thing the brainwashed,braindead MSM is peddling is more female victimization as though that is what we need. We need less of it because like other manure it is piling up.

Video Source:here


  1. This is actually entirely false. People do call attention to the problem of women being enslaved, but people also call attention to the problem of child soldiers. Often it's the same people.

    It seems particularly petty to talk about child soldiers not because it's a problem but because you are jealous of the attention other problems get.

  2. This is actually entirely false. People do call attention to the problem of women being enslaved, but people also call attention to the problem of child soldiers. Often it's the same people.

    No,Timothy it's not. I've heard various feminists talk about girls but not boys. There was even failed legislation to help girls worldwide and not boys.

    It seems particularly petty to talk about child soldiers not because it's a problem but because you are jealous of the attention other problems get.

    No,I'm promoting men's rights because I believe in them. But since you want to be insultive your attitude is what I would expect from some rave promoter who probably sells ecstacy to underage kids at his events.

  3. Do you know what peddling means? It means selling. So, yes. I'd agree that the main-strem media is selling more victimization of women. Through video games in which the only female characters are prostitutes that earn you extra points to kill; through television shows (including news programs) in which every male face is represented, but the few women must be attractive; through movies that continue to have more male parts, and pay them exponentially more.

    A right is something held by all. A privilege is something exercised by a few. If what you're really wishing for is men's rights, you need to understand that you have to extend those rights to women as well. If not, than have the balls to admit that what you're pining after is greater male privilege.

  4. Christine,

    You use the term "male privilege" but let's look at this so-called "male privilege".

    "Male privilege" includes:

    1.Living fewer years than women.
    2.Suffering 96% of workplace fatalities.
    3.Being the only gender required by law to register for selective service.
    4.Given more time for the same crime than a female would get.
    5.Being the invisible side in the domestic violence debate and implementation.
    6.The only gender required to serve in combat. Men die in a woman's country.

    If these are some examples of "male privilege" then I'm not a big fan of it.

    Like most feminists you play "shame and blame".
