Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's tell the Speaker

Let's tell the Speaker of the House,John Boehner about men's rights. Mention the Proposal for a Whitehouse Commission On Boys To Men:

Proposal for a Whtiehouse Commission on Boys to Men

Also inform him on other issues men face.

He can be contacted at any of the following:

Contact the Speaker on his official website
America speaking out
John Boehner on Facebook
John Boehner on Twitter
Pledge To America

I left a post on America speaking out. Click on "open mic" to see it and support it.


  1. Good move MM! Your pro-active stance is an inspiration to those of us that have grown weary of group therapy for the walking wounded. Boycotts and petitions are the next step up!

  2. That's it,Ernest.

    Let's make our voices loud and clear.
