Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New approach

Remember the Proposal for a Whitehouse Commission on Boys to Men? Well it seems that Obama is stonewalling us. So I say we contact the Speaker of the House and tell John Boehner about our situation. When contacting Mr.Boehner select "civil rights" where it says "select issue". Let him know that men are a voting bloc and that we can benefit the Republicans but they have to help us as well. Tell him that this commission is very important to men and help a lot of men get off a destructive path if they find themselves on one. Also post statistics that are favorable to men. Hopefully this can give us a voice in Congress. The more of us that push this the better our chances. The more of us that write in the better. Write in today.


  1. Probably the liberal democracy not allows the small group of wise and higher sensitive people to identify the catastrophic things early and prevent them. Actually this is the correct time to change the political structure. Foolish politicians are considering only the number of votes.

  2. This proposal bothers me. OK, on the face of it, it seems "reasonable", but I do have to ask what the commission's ultimate aim is. In particular, this line bothered me:

    "Each of the five crisis components is potentially handled by a different department of the government; therefore coordination and prioritization is best handled at the White House level."

    So the idea is to funnel yet more money into government departments, where they can do yet more damage to boys and men? I'm cynical I know, but if the conclusions reached by this commission are "we need special funding to address these problems", it's a net loss, because these departments are already so overrun with feminists - all we'd be doing is giving them yet more funding, AND permission to overtly target boys under the guise of "educational programs" for boys.

    I can just see the "special education" programs aimed at boys to teach them to be "less violent" or some other such nonsense.

  3. Solaris,

    I understand your reservations and I along with you don't want feminists nor feminism anywhere near this commision but I take the following into consideration:

    • Education. Boys are behind girls in almost every subject, especially reading and writing. Yet boy-friendly programs (e.g., recess and vocational education) are being curtailed.

    • Jobs. Our sons are not being prepared for jobs where the jobs will be. Yet women rarely marry men in unemployment lines.

    • Fatherlessness. A third of boys are raised in father-absent homes; yet boys and girls with significant father involvement do better in more than 25 areas.

    • Physical health. Life expectancy has gone from one to five years less for males than for females, yet federal offices of boys and men’s health are non-existent.

    • Emotional health. Boys’ suicide rate goes from equal to girls to five times girls’ between ages 13 and 20, as boys feel the pressures of the male role.

    In education:

    • By the eighth grade, 41% of girls are at least “proficient” in writing; only 20% of boys are proficient in writing.22 In reading, 34% of girls are at least proficient, compared with 24% of boys.23

    • The number of boys who said they didn’t like school increased by 71% since 1980, according to a University of Michigan study.24 10% of boys drop out of school each year, compared to 8% of girls.25

    • In neighborhoods where fathers are most scarce, more than half of boys don’t finish high school. 26

    • By age 12, boys are 60% more likely than girls to have repeated at least one grade. 27

    • Boys are expelled from school three times as often as girls.28 Three- and four-year old boys are now being expelled from pre-school programs29 (for what many experts view as normal boy behavior). 30

    • At least twice as many boys are diagnosed with ADHD.31

    • Girls are 57% of college students; boys 43%.32,33

    • Girls are 58% of college graduates; boys 42%.34

    • In the Class of 2010, boys received only 39% of the Masters’ degrees. Here is the trend35..

    You should address your concerns to the chairman of this commission,Warren Farrell.

    You can reach him here:

