Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Freedom of speech

We talk a lot about gender issues on this blog and how those issues concern men. One of the great things about the United States is the Constitution especially the 1st Amendment but it seems that the 1st Amendment is under attack. There is impending legislation that will curb freedoms on the internet. You can read more about it here. I think their goal is to get rid of those of us who are not the cool ones on the gender block the way the feminists and gay community are,according to the PC crowd. And since we are not one of the cool ones I'm sure they want us to go away and stop bothering people. Since the PC crowd hates men and favors women they want to make sure everyone does and the best way to do that is attempting to pass draconian legislation to shut up your opponents. I'm sure that sites that are PC will probably be exempt if this monstrosity of a bill ever becomes law. I'm sure they will be spared but what about us MRA's? Will we be spared? Not on your life,in fact it was probably sites such as mine that they had in mind when they drafted this bill. We are making progress and there are those that want to shut us up and perhaps this is an attempt to do so. Don't let them win oppose this bill today.

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