Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVES is pleased to announce that the Dr. Phil Show will be featuring a program devoted to the topic of male victims of domestic violence. The program will be aired in mid-September. The show will feature SAVE spokesman Philip W. Cook and several male victims of partner abuse.
The decision to devote a program to male victims followed Dr. Phil McGraw's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 13, 2011 - see SAVE's July 25 press release:
Download the file on how domestic violence programs discriminate against men
SAVE applauds the Dr. Phil Show for its recognition and support of all victims of domestic violence.
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
Philip Cooks book:here
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released its Women's Preventive Services requirements for qualified health plans yesterday. Some of the rules are reasonable, like screening for diabetes in pregnant women.
But the document requires that health plans conduct "screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence" on an annual basis for women...but not men: Women's Guide Lines
Contact Secretary Sebelius RIGHT NOW at . Then call Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Howard Koh at 202-690-7694.
Respectfully tell them the DV screening requirement of the Women's Preventive Services guideines is unreasonable and a slap in the face to male victims of domestic violence. Tell them to promptly revise the discriminatory guideline to include both men and women.
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
Dr.Phil is giving men a fair deal or not? Let's see what happens on the show. For SAVES to get a spot on the Dr.Phil show is quite amazing. I hope he gives the SAVES advocates the same courtesy and respect he affords feminists. Apparently activism works and all of you who wrote in support of men's rights should be very proud of yourselves and we have every right to be now let's see how the show goes.
Get ahold of the Health and Human Services Secretary and tell her about the truth about domestic violence and what the real numbers are and that women are far from the angelic victims they pretend to be. The more of us she hears from the better so write in today. Act today with no delay.
Good luck with Dr. Phil. He has to cater to his target audience - women. Dr. Phil has already discounted Parental Alienation. He will discount women on men domestic violence.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I'm going to take a "wait and see" attitude. After I see this particular show I'll know where to go from there.