I received the following from SAVE concerning Vice President Joe Biden's appearance on the View where he will probably discuss domestic violence. Here is what SAVE said:
RE: Growing Problem of Violence Perpetrated by Female Teenagers and Young Adults
September 26, 2011
Honorable Joseph R. Biden
c/o Lynn Rosenthal
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Vice President Biden:
Thank you for your many efforts over the years to promote awareness of the problem of domestic violence, and your pioneering efforts that led to the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. Thank you, also, for your recent September 14 statement highlighting the “high rates of violence and assault that continues to threaten young men and women across the country.”
In anticipation of your upcoming appearance on The View to discuss dating violence affecting teens and young adults, we would like to bring to your attention a disturbing trend – the growing problem of female-perpetrated violence among teenagers and young adults.
According to a 2010 Department of Justice report, Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2007, “Juvenile courts handled 448,900 cases involving females in 2007, more than twice the 1985 number.” And for assaults and other offenses against persons, the female offender rate soared by 233% over the same period.
It has reached the point that among dating partners, U.S. Centers for Disease Control surveys have repeatedly documented that females are more likely than males to be the initiators of partner violence:
• According to the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, 10% of teenage boys were victimized by dating violence in the past year, compared to only 9% of teenage girls experiencing dating violence CDC report on youth behavior
• According to a national survey of young adults ages 18-25, in cases of one-way violence, females were the aggressors in 71% of the cases, and males the initiators 29% of the time. (Whitaker DJ et al. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 97, No. 5, 2007)
In regard to sexual assault, female perpetration rates are beginning to equal and even surpass assaults by men. A recent survey of 6th and 7th graders in Cleveland concluded, “boys were more likely to be victims of sexual violence than girls.” (Taylor BG et al. Journal of Experimental Criminology, Vol. 6, 2010).
Relationship expert Dr. Jill Murray explains the problem this way:
Now, here’s the really depressing news: female-to-male PHYSICAL abuse has gone up at least threefold in many areas of the country in the last year!…Men don’t report when they have been violated. … They live with the same secretiveness and shame that abused girls and women speak of. Dr. Jill Murray on girls who abuse boys
Female aggression against intimate partners can have lethal consequences. In recent months, there have been at least two cases in which teenage girls have fatally wounded their male or female dating partners: SAVE on teen violence committed by females
The problem of female-initiated partner violence is also worrisome because female aggression has been shown to be the leading reason for the woman becoming a victim of subsequent violence. (Stith S et al. Aggression and Violent Behavior Vol. 10, 2004. pp. 65-98.)
In the spirit of carrying on your courageous efforts to bring domestic violence out of the shadows, we call on you to emphasize these three critical messages in your appearance on The View:
1. Among teenagers and young adults, females are now more likely than males to be the aggressors of physical violence.
2. Female abusers need treatment and help, not a cold shoulder.
3. The problem of domestic violence against men remains hidden. Male victims need to be encouraged to report when they are victimized.
We look forward to working with you and your staff to bring an end to the scourge of domestic violence.
Philip W. Cook
Cc: Valerie Jarrett, White House Council on Women and Girls: vjarrett@who.eop.gov
Source:click here
Or you can contact VP Biden here. Let's contact Biden about this issue and see if it registers with him. I say let's give it shot,send those emails and let him know that female-on-male violence is a reality and that we will protest it. The more of us he hears from the better so send those emails today.
I am sending this letter.
ReplyDeleteBut, it's Joe Biden.
I'd wager a bet that there is not a snowball's chance in hell that he will address this issue.
I thought the same thing but it's a crap shoot. Thrown the dice and see what comes up.
ReplyDeleteWe've got nothing to lose.
The only real failure is to not even try.
ReplyDeleteYeah - did you get the latest E-mail from SAVE?
Like I said - a snowball has a better chance in hell than Biden has of mentioning and addressing the issue of female violence
Yeah - did you get the latest E-mail from SAVE?
ReplyDeleteYeah I did,that is how I found out about Biden's appearance on the View.
not to be a defeatist, but all those stats will do is convince Biden and the "ViewSkanks" that too many women are getting arrested.
ReplyDeletetoo many women getting arrested can only mean 1 thing.. those women (and by extension ALL women) are still oppressed. and now when they fight back against their oppressors, they are getting arrested for it.
but, i will do my duty and send emails from ALL of my dummy accounts as well as my legit one.