Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hank Williams Jr. fired yet the Talk continues on

Why are you so fucked up,America? Why does a country that supposedly values "equality" deny equality to men? Want an example? Fine. Recently Hank Williams Jr. was fired from hosting Monday night football by the ESPN brass. Why was he fired? He compared Obama to Hitler and called Obama and Biden the "three stooges" (even though he named only two people,as FOX has pointed out). Or maybe he didn't name the 3rd stooge. Could it be Boehner? Hank didn't sugar coat anything,he said it the way it needed to be said and that was very refreshing. He also said that things are more polarized in this country than ever before. No argument on that one,brother.

Now let's contrast that with what the Talk and the misandry that occurred on that show when they made fun of Katherine Kieu Becker's victim. The biggest instigator in all of this was Sharon Osbourne,who's only contribution to society was to spit out Ozzy's talentless offspring. Crack whores have made equal contributions to society as Sharon Osbourne has. If you've clicked on the above links you will find that worthless show is still on the air. Why? A man makes a political comment,which the first amendment is supposed to protect,and he's fired meanwhile some stupid whore who makes comments that come straight from the femreich,seeping with hatred,are allowed while political speech is censored. Why,America,why?

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