Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hopefully this gets rid of the PROTECT-IP Act

I received the following from Demand Progress in which they inform us that there is a House version of the PROTECT-IP Act and it needs to be defeated. Here is Demand Progress:


But, first of all: GREAT WORK. The House Blacklist Bill was introduced as expected yesterday -- but with only a handful of sponsors.

There's little doubt that this is because of the ruckus we've all raised together -- especially the 50,000+ emails we sent in this week asking our lawmakers to refuse to sponsor the bill.

Now that it's been introduced, will you ask your lawmakers to VOTE AGAINST the House version of the Blacklist Bill?

The bad news: The bill is a nightmare.

The rumors were true. The new Blacklist Bill could effectively destroy YouTube, Twitter, and other sites that rely on user-generated content by making the sites' owners legally responsible for content their users post.

It could shut down music storage lockers and other cloud-based products.

And it also includes provisions that would make it a felony to stream unlicensed content -- including cover band performances, karaoke videos, video game play-throughs, and more.

Will you click here to ask your Congressmember to oppose this legislation?

It's a grab-bag of Halloween goodies for a handful of big corporations -- but for us it's Frankenstein's monster, cobbled together from half-born bills, set to suffocate free speech and innovation and terrorize consumers and Internet users.

Please help send the House version of PROTECT IP to its grave. Click here.

Thanks, yet again.

The Demand Progress team.

Preserve the internet and free speech sign that petition to get rid of the PROTECT-IP Act once and for all.


  1. If this can violate men's rights, it can violate women's/womyn's/wimmin's rights. The majority of Women/womyn/wimmin have not cared about the violations of men's rights. Why should anyone care about theirs?

    Feminism and it's supporters/ilk have destroyed true/real men. Evil begats evil. They chose to reap what they have chosen to sow. The responsibilities/accountabilities are theirs.

  2. I don't give a fuck about women's rights in fact I don't give a fuck about women period.

  3. Those who support/endorse this bill should read the ninth amenment to the U.S. Constitution.

    If the rights of one human being can be violated then the rights of ALL human beings can be violated.

    Masculist Man said...
    I don't give a fuck about women's rights in fact I don't give a fuck about women period.

    October 29, 2011 6:11 AM

    Neither do I. Our rights as men have been violated and they haven't protested so let them reap what they have sown and allowed to be sown. FUCK THEM WHEN THEY WAKE UP AND DECIDE TO SUPPORT THE RIGHTS OG THOSE THEY OPPRESSED/SUPPRESSE/ ALLOWED TO BE OPPRESSED/SUPPRESSED.

  4. WHO THE FUCK CARES IF YOU'RE A MAN OR WOMAN. Get the fuck over yourself seriously. This bill is horrible and affects everybody!!! I am sick of seeing prejudice/racism/sexist comments everywhere. I don't care who you do or do not like, let's all focus on what's important. Our rights.

  5. Lecture the feminists first before you even think of lecturing us.

  6. Masculist Man said...
    Lecture the feminists first before you even think of lecturing us.

    October 31, 2011 12:10 AM

    I second this.
