Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Down to the wire

I received the following from Demand Progress:

It's do-or-die time: The House Judiciary Committee will likely pass the Stop Online Piracy Act THIS Thursday. Once the bill moves out of committee, the House can pass it at any time.

BUT, if we're able to kill it at this stage it'll probably never recover.

That's why we need your help this week: We want to make sure people understand what the Internet could be like if SOPA passes, so we're asking millions of people to protest censorship as part of our #CensorshipEverywhere campaign -- use our tool to censor parts of your own posts to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and anything and everything else.

Click here to use our #CensorshipEverywhere tool to send a "censored" message to your friends -- to "uncensor" it, they'll need to contact Congress too.

The most important thing this week is that EVERYONE join the protests in some way. If all of us drive our audiences to make phonecalls, we're unstoppable. We need to jam Congress's inboxes and melt their phone lines if we're going to stop SOPA.

Our goals for the week are one call per congressmember per minute -- and one million emails: Please click here to censor your posts and then make a call or send an email, or do both right away -- it'll really only take a couple of minutes.

SOPA threatens the livelihood of the best parts of the Internet, and the best companies that use the Internet. More than 70 representatives from leading tech firms -- like Tumblr, Foursquare, Etsy, Kickstarter and Reddit -- and advocacy groups from across the political spectrum participated in a meeting to coordinate action against SOPA.

It was an inspirational meeting, and we're all going all-in to kill this legislation. We need to do everything we can to stop it in committee -- and everything we do this week sends a strong message to lawmakers: voters do not want this bill.

Please be part of the effort: Click here to call or email your member of the House of Reps right away. We need to flood them with contacts well before the vote this week.

Join us and be a hero for Internet freedom and free speech.

To contact your Congressperson click here

This is great because if we can kill this bill in committee it'll be a lot easier. If Internet censorship infuriates you then contact your Congressperson today and protest SOPA. These are your freedoms so you may want to protect them so send in those emails.

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