Wednesday, December 21, 2011

From Agent Orange

Agent Orange files released

December 21, 2011
Robert O'Hara
Featured, News Updates Agent Orange files released

Washington December 21, (AVfM News) Today the files collected by Agent Orange, an MRA who infiltrated a private forum on the Radfem Hub website have been released to the public.

Since AVFM, Antimisandry and What Men are Saying About Women released stories regarding the leaking of threads at Radfem Hub and subsequently the identification of many of the posters readers, both feminists and MRAs alike, have been anxiously awaiting the promised complete files of screen shots and associated materials collected by Agent Orange. Shortly after the news broke Reddit was on fire with comments in a thread called “mensrights announces their plan to release the private information of RadFem Hub posters,” in which Radfem sympathizers accused Agent Orange of enticing terrorism and violence against the Radfem Hub posters by releasing their personal information.

There have even been threats to get the FBI involved even though there is nothing personal about a Facebook or Linkedin profiles. To date, AVFM has not been contacted by the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.

Radfem Hub and other major sources for feminist news and commentary have remained curiously silent on the matter. There is no mention of the release either on Radfem, Jezebel, Feministe or Feministing as might have been expected considering the comments on Reddit. It is assumed, however that much attention has been paid amongst the feminist community to this story and its developments.

With the publication of the Radfem Data it is expected that more identities will be revealed and also that MRAs and other interested parties in the broader press will write about the postings and the implications for the public perception of feminism.

Here is the link for all the published data:

Agent Orange Files

Source:click here

1 comment:

  1. Why aren't The U.N., INTERPOL, law enforcement agencies of the world investigating this and making arrests? Because they ALL support feminism and the war on/against men and boys.
