I haven't heard anything from one of my regular sources but I did come across this on Men's Rights Activism:
Via email from an activist:
As a result of all our efforts and the attached letter signed by 25, this morning all 8 GOP senators voted 'no' on Sen. Leahy's VAWA reauthorization bill. The aura of VAWA enjoying full bipartisan support has been broken. Now, passage is of VAWA is no longer a foregone conclusion.
Needless to say, NOW is fuming right now.
Although we still have a lot of work to do, CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL.
Click here (.pdf file) for the CWA letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Source:click here
There is also this:
Via email:
Since its enactment in 1994, the Violence Against Women Act has been criticized by people as serving to expand the reach and size of government, to weaken the family, and to roll-back the Constitution. And because of its innocent-sounding name, few lawmakers have been willing to take on the VAWA juggernaut.
Late last week the Senate Judiciary Committee announced it was going to hold a mark-up of the VAWA reauthorization bill, S. 1925. And we knew GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley was unhappy with Sen. Patrick Leahy’s bill, for a variety of reasons.
So groups mounted telephone campaigns, did lobbying, and Concerned Women for America put together a group letter that was signed by 25 groups and individuals. This letter was circulated to GOP senators just minutes before yesterday’s mark-up.
And when the dust had settled, all 8 GOP senators voted ‘No’ on Sen. Leahy’s bill, instead preferring Sen. Grassley’s substitute amendment. All 10 Democratic senators voted ‘Aye,’ so Leahy’s bill carried through the committee. In a word, yesterday’s party line vote was unprecedented.
Now the VAWA bill goes to the full Senate, which may take up the bill as early as next week.
If you’d like to write an article about this historic vote, you may find the VAWA: Mandate for Change report helpful: http://www.saveservices.org/partner-violence-reduction-act/mandate-for-change/
Source:click here
It looks like we may have taken some of the bipartisan support from the bill. The vote is going to the full Senate so we'll continue to act on it when it arises. Let's look at it this way: it took them half a year to get where it used to take them 6 minutes to accomplish so think about that. We are improving and we are going to continue to fuck their shit up.
The Us senate Judiciary Panel these days approved the reauthorization of the Assault Against Women Act. This is the first major step in reviving.