Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tell the Senate to go with Senator Grassley's Amendment;VAWA

Last Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee voted Sen. Leahy's version of the Violence Against Women Act out of committee with ten votes for and eight against. This was after Sen. Charles Grassley unsuccessfully proposed an amendment that would have added accountability and other improvements.

Your calls are the reason eight senators voted against VAWA last week. High fives all around!!!!!

While the DV industry is drumming up support for the passage of Leahy's VAWA, we can still take steps to stop their mismanagement of funds, insure the distribution of accurate information, end acts of discrimination, and more.

Sen. Grassley's amendment incorporates many of the provisions of SAVE's Partner Violence Reduction Act:click here

Today we'd like you to call your own senators and ask them to support Sen. Grassley's amendment instead of Sen. Leahy's VAWA. Locate your senators' phone numbers here: click here

Please, call your senators right now!

We are on a roll! The ride is fabulous, isn't it?



Teri Stoddard, Program Director

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Sounds like we still have a chance to get ahold of this after all. We've got to contact our U.S. Senators on this one since this monstrosity is going before the full Senate. However our protests are counting so maybe we can get the Senate to go with Grassley's amendment over Leahy's. Let's do this,the more of us they hear from the better so send those emails today. The freedoms you preserve may be your own so act today.

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