Friday, February 24, 2012

Tell the State of California to obey its own laws

From the NCFM:

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci and David Woods living legacy helps clean up the domestic violence industry

February 20, 2012

NCFM Vice President Marc Angelucci, Esq., represented the plaintiffs in the landmark domestic violence case Woods v. Horton (“Woods”). Consequently, in 2008, the California Supreme Court decided domestic violence services providers had to provide services to men as well as women. To our knowledge there has been little or no effort on behalf of the state of California or domestic violence service providers to comply substantively with the court ruling.

The California Emergency Management Agency oversees domestic violence service providers receiving state funds. The attached public records request from Mr. Angelucci, on behalf of the National Coalition For Men, to the Emergency Management Agency, requests substantial information necessary to answer compliance questions.

Thank you Marc. This is a major undertaking. For you non NCFM members, well… saddle up my friends, we still have a long way to go. Thanks to those like Marc your journey may not be as dangerous as was David’s and his family…

(Click here to read NCFM authors Marc Angelucci Letter 2-14-11 to CEMA)

If you are a California resident you can find your state elected leaders here you can find both houses using this map. And/or you can email the Governor here. If you are outside of California contact the Governor. Let's ask why Woods vs. Horton is not being implemented. You can find the Assembly here and the Senate here and the California Legislature website here.

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