Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tell your representative to audit the fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is expected to vote tomorrow (Wed, June 27) on H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act (“Audit the Fed”).

We’ve received word that an amendment will be offered to extend the time when the audit’s results need to be reported from the end of 2012 to one year after the bill is enacted.

C4L supports this amendment, but I need your help to guarantee Audit the Fed passes the committee without being watered down and makes it to the House floor as the strong, thorough audit the American people are demanding.

I’ll provide a link where you can find the members of the committee in just a moment, but first, here’s how you can help pass Audit the Fed.

1.) If your representative is on the committee, and if they have cosponsored H.R. 459, please call them right away to thank them for cosponsoring. Along with voting “YES” on H.R. 459 in committee, let them know you also expect them to resist any attempt to water down the bill.

2.) If your representative is on the committee but has not yet cosponsored, urge them to not only vote “YES” on H.R. 459 in committee, but to clearly stand with the American people and boldly declare their support for transparency by cosponsoring Audit the Fed right away.

3.) Spread the word! Tell your family and friends to take action and help end the Fed's rein of destruction and secrecy.

You can find a list of committee members here.

Even if your representative is not on the committee, please still contact them to demand their support for Audit the Fed when it comes to the House floor for a vote this July.

After years of hard work, you and I stand on the verge of making history by passing Audit the Fed!

But now is not the time to take anything for granted.

So please contact your representative right away and help C4L finish this fight!

Make government accountable to the people and make it practice transparency by passing Audit the Fed and the best way to do that is to notify your representative in Congress and tell them to Audit the Fed.

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