Monday, July 23, 2012

Vote on HR 459 is tomorrow

From Campaign For Liberty:

This is it.

Tomorrow’s the big day!

As Audit the Fed heads to the House floor under suspension of the rules, it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Needing two thirds of Congress to vote “YES” on your bill is no easy hurdle to clear.

If you contacted your representative last week, thanks for taking action!

If not, it’s critical you do so right away.

With such a high threshold to meet, I’m afraid this could be a very close vote, one we could even lose if only a handful of representatives vote against us.

So you and I can’t afford to let up on the pressure now.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

First, verify they will be in attendance for Tuesday’s vote.

Second, confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

Afterward, let us know where your representative stands on Audit the Fed.

Verifying your representative will be in attendance may sound silly, but it’s based on firsthand experience.

Last Congress, a cosponsor actually missed the vote because he was too busy campaigning for another office.

That was unacceptable.

We simply must reinforce to every cosponsor how crucial their support is tomorrow.

I know when this vote is over, I don’t want to look back and wish there was something more I could have done.

I’m sure you feel the same way.

So please, pick up the phone one more time. Click HERE to find your representative's contact information. Verify they will be at the vote and confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

After you’ve done that, let us know what you’ve found out so we know exactly which members are still on the fence.

Passing Audit the Fed under suspension with a veto-proof majority in the House will help send a clear message - one that does not mince words - from the American people to the Senate: PASS AUDIT THE FED NOW!

Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do in the fight for liberty.

Onward to victory!

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. With Audit the Fed heading to the House floor tomorrow under suspension of the rules – meaning you and I need a two-thirds majority for victory – it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

Be sure to let us know where they stand as we head into the final hours before the vote!

You can also contact the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader and tell them the same thing. We don't have much time until Tuesday's vote so act now to get your views across. Send in those emails right away.

UPDATE: I just received word that the House vote on HR 459 has been moved to Wednesday July 25 with debate to begin tomorrow. But still get the word out so tell your friends.

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