Monday, August 20, 2012

Innocent man to be executed in Texas

Governor of the state of Texas: Stop the execution of Cleve Foster

by DLisa Abbott

Cleve Foster is innocent of the crime of which he was convicted and sentenced to death in 2004. Sheldon Ward confessed to the crime (four different statements) admitted he alone murder this young woman. There was nothing at the crime scene that showed Cleve murdered this woman or was present when she was murdered. The judge at the trial said to the open court, " you have nothing that proves his guilt." Website

Petition Letter


I just signed the following petition addressed to: Governor of the state of Texas.

---------------- Stop the execution of Cleve Foster

Cleve Foster is innocent of the crime of which he was convicted and sentenced to death in 2004. Sheldon Ward confessed to the crime (four different statements) admitted he alone murder this young woman. There was nothing at the crime scene that showed Cleve murdered this woman or was present when she was murdered. The judge at the trial said to the open court, " you have nothing that proves his guilt." Website

---------------- Sincerely,

[Your name]

To sign the petition click here

Texass (not a misspelling,well not an accidental one anyway) is known for letting female murderers go such as Clara Harris and Andrea Yates while executing men. An MRA group,The MRA's from LA,have commented about the frilly dress Texas now wears and how well that frilly dress suits all Texans. It would appear that the MRA's from LA know what they are talking about. Anyway spare an innocent man's life.

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