Friday, September 28, 2012

A myth exposed

The Nineteenth Amendment granted suffrage to women, but 1920 was not the first year American women could legally vote. Back in the day, property ownership often dictated voting, which effectively excluded women because their legal status was typically "feme covert." Married women's property became their husband's in name, unless they entered into a contract that specified otherwise. In contrast, single women were not barred from property ownership, but for a variety of reasons, single women had a hard time acquiring the acreage needed to be eligible for voting . For a few women, however, inheritance and widowhood provided an opportunity to vote. In 1756, Lydia Chapin Taft, widow of Josiah Taft, voted in her local Massachusetts town meeting, having met the property requirements by acquiring her husband's estate. In New Jersey, a similar situation existed until 1807, when the law was changed to exclude women. Amusingly enough, being barred from the vote didn't bar women from office: Susanna Madora Salter became the first female American mayor in 1887.

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This is something that I've suspected for a long time,that property owners of either gender could vote and this proves it. This proves that gender discrimination against women was a lie but don't tell that to suffragettes or they may attack you.

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