Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Do not let them remove "presumption of innocence" when it comes to VAWA

From SAVE Services:

This week is the beginning of our "What Happened to the Presumption of Innocence?" campaign. And we're starting right out of the gate with a 24-hour call to action.This week is the beginning of our "What Happened to the Presumption of Innocence?" campaign. And we're starting right out of the gate with a 24-hour call to action.

Today is a Day of Action for some victim advocates, with calls and tweets asking for reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). We're not so quick to jump on that bandwagon, because VAWA is not ready to be reauthorized. It still has many provisions that strip the presumption of innocence from the accused.

See our recent press release for more details:click here

Let's have our own 24 Hours of Action! For the next 24 hours*, call both your Senators and your Representative at 1-202-224-3121. You can also find your Senators' phone numbers and your Representative's phone number

Or you can go to their websites and send email. Whichever is easier.

Simply say "Don't pass VAWA until the presumption of innocence is restored!"



*Feel free to keep calling beyond the 24-hours.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

How many more men need to be sacrificed on the altar of feminism before it is "enough"? How many men's souls crushed before it is "enough"? How many gallons of men's blood is the matriarchal queen going to gorge before she has had "enough"? That is why it is up to us men to not just say "enough" but to actually mean it.

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