Saturday, November 17, 2012

Protest the Cybersecurity Act

From Campaign For Liberty:

Wednesday night, the Senate defeated the latest attempt to ram through Senator Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012."

Thanks to your quick action, we won an important victory despite finding out about Reid's plans fewer than 24 hours before the vote.

After being defeated on this issue yet again, even Harry Reid was forced to admit, "Cybersecurity is dead for this Congress."

Enter Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell...

... who on Thursday actually said he hopes the bill will come up again in December!

Why in the world would he make such a statement?

Well, apparently McConnell voted the right way Wednesday simply because Reid limited the amendments that could be offered to the bill.

So how many others didn't shove this bill down our throats just because Harry Reid didn't allow an open amendment process?

The simple truth is, there are far too many members of the Senate eager to secure more government control over the Internet.

We can't assume anything - or let down our guard for a moment.

That's why I'm asking you to contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email today with a simple message - "No Deals!"

Growing government power is about the only bipartisan action we can expect from Congress nowadays.

Have "leaders" in Washington really learned NOTHING from the election?

Millions of Americans were sick of the status quo and simply stayed home.

Grassroots activists want leaders who will STAND UP for their right to privacy and for their freedoms online - not just because the process the bill comes up under is flawed, but because fighting for freedom is the right thing to do!

As Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (whose number once again is 202-224-2541) needs to lead on principle.

If the Republican Party ever hopes to find its way out of the latest wilderness it has wandered into, then it must stop being the "Big Government-lite" party.

And if the Internet is to remain a vibrant resource for technological innovation and the open exchange of information, Big Brother must keep its grabby mitts OFF.

C4L's message is getting through, as support for the so-called "cybersecurity" bill actually decreased by one senator since they last acted on it in August.

We will continue to apply pressure with the mailgrams we've received from thousands of activists like you, but we need your help today to double-down!

Please take a moment to contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email right away.

Tell him to oppose ANY efforts to pass Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" or any other legislation during the lame-duck session to give government more power over the Internet.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Wednesday night, Harry Reid's latest attempt to ram through Senator Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" failed - thanks to your quick action.

But now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted against it, says he hopes the bill comes up again in December - just with an open amendment process!

So please contact Mitch McConnell by phone at 202-224-2541 and by email today with a simple message - "No Deals!"

Tell him to oppose ANY efforts to pass Lieberman's "Cybersecurity Act of 2012" or any other legislation during the lame-duck session to give government more power over the Internet.

To email Senator McConnell click here

More restrictions on the internet is something none of us wants and if you are like-minded then by all means contact Senator Mitch McConnell and tell him to leave the net alone.

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