Tuesday, January 29, 2013

VAWA is back as S.47,defeat S.47

Today we have an urgent request.

As we told you last week, S. 47, a Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bill has been introduced in the Senate. Unfortunately, S. 47 is very similar to last year's VAWA and ignores well-documented problems.

You'd think that with all of the controversy surrounding VAWA, the Senate would afford time for discussion and the possible addition of amendments. But this may not be the case! Word is that it may skip the Judicial Committee and go straight to the floor for a vote!

We believe that these VAWA Reform Principals are vital and urgently needed to create a comprehensive and effective VAWA: click here

Our urgent request: Please call your Senators RIGHT NOW. Tell them, "Say NO to S. 47 and YES to Real VAWA Reform!"

Find your senators here.

Let's show them what we're made of. Use those phones!



Teri Stoddard, Program Directora
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

P.S. Please help us grow our efforts. And share this e-lert with a friend.

Or you can email them. Looks like they're trying an old game on a new Senate hoping to get their way of putting the burden upon men even more but we've got to tell them it won't work we're not going to take it anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Posted on FACEBOOK under the name "Robin Gold."
