Tuesday, February 5, 2013

S.47,VAWA,goes before the Senate soon so voice your displeasure with it now

The Senate vote on VAWA should be very soon.

The Senate is expected to vote on S. 47, a Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bill this week. Unfortunately, S. 47 ignores well-documented problems. VAWA Reform Principals are urgently needed to create a comprehensive and effective VAWA.


Please call your Senators TODAY.

Tell them, "Say NO to S. 47 and YES to Real VAWA Reform!"

Call 202-224-3121 or find your senators here: click here

Keep calling!



Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Or you can email them too. Tell your Senators you hate VAWA and don't want it reauthorized. I've also contacted Senator Rand Paul and Senator Mike Lee because they are not big fans of it either especially Lee who flat-out called it "unconstitutional" and voted against VAWA. Can't fault another VAWA hater so way to go,Lee. The Republican leader in the Senate is Senator Mitch McConnell so you may want to let him know too.

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