Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Petition for men and masculinities program at NYU Stony Brook

The State University of New York at Stony Brook received a grant to inaugurate a center for the study of men and masculinities. The advisory board for this center consists of six women and four men.

No womens' programs of any kind permit male dominance of any type on their advisory boards, nor do they select men with a track record of antagonism toward and mockery of women and womens' issues.

Stony Brook's current board is stacked with feminists, including the icon Gloria Steinem. Google "Feminist Boot Camp" to see why a majority of feminists on a mens program advisory board is ill-conceived; unless that mens program is intended to be an example of false advertising in the first place.

We, the undersigned, urge the administration at Stony Brook University to create a more balanced advisory board for its new mens program, one that consists of five men and five women.

Mike Kimmel is stacking the advisory board of his new masters degree program with feminist grandmas.

Please check out our petition and pass it on. Comments are what we want! Thanks always!




These feminist grandmas are gloria steinem and jane fonda. Do you want anything to do with them? I don't. Sign the petition.

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