Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Protest Senator Barbara Boxer's sexist hypocrisy

From SAVE Services:

While introducing the International Violence Against Women Act (S. 2307) last week, Senator Barbara Boxer highlighted recent violence by Boko Haram. Boxer said: "The recent kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian school girls underscores the horrific violence that too many women and girls across the globe face every day."

So, we are asking: "WHAT ABOUT THE BOYS?"

Islamist militants from the group Boko Haram attacked a school in February. After allowing the girls to leave, they gunned down the boys. Some buildings were sealed up and set on fire, burning the boys to death. Those who were able to escape had their throats slashed.

According to the World Health Organization, men are twice as likely as women to die of violence-related causes. Violence against men and boys is no less horrific than violence against women and girls.

Please tell Sen. Barbara Boxer that you don't appreciate her Boko Haram Hypocrisy!

Call: (202) 224-3553

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Mail: Office of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

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