Monday, June 16, 2014

Glendale offers self defense classes to men

NCFM letter causes City of Glendale to offer free self-defense class to both men and women
June 5, 2014

self-defense classNCFM NOTE: Sometimes change through advocacy is a simple as a letter, like the one we sent to the City of Glendale about their free self-defense classes only for women. This is not the first time NCFM has been able to cause change, significant change we might add, with just a well written letter. For one of many examples, such a letter caused NIPPON Airlines to reconsider women only restrooms on international flights, and the PGA from having a “Women’s Day” at a major event. That letter also prevented the featured speaker from violating a host of laws. The speaker was just reelected Bonnie Dumanis, District Attorney for San Diego. These are not small victories. Each one brought with it media interest, which in turn helps us raise awareness of such inequalities. Consider, what if the city of Glendale decided to have free self-defense classes for “Whites Only?” Our guess is every Glendale elected official and employee involved in the event would be looking for other work. So, why isn’t it that way when such people turn a blind eye on half our population, e.g., men. Crazy stuff isn’t it?

Glendale male-only self-defense class scheduled
Session results from complaint of group calling for end to gender discrimination.

By Brittany Levine, brittany.levine@latimes.comJune 4, 2014 | 7:32 p.m.

Following a complaint that free self-defense classes exclusively for women and girls sponsored by a city commission violate equal-protection clauses of the Constitution, city officials have scheduled a class for men and boys for later this month, in addition to two new training sessions for females.

While the Glendale city attorney reviewed the complaint letter sent by the National Coalition for Men in March, the Commission on the Status of Women cancelled its two self-defense classes for females in April, which is also when the city celebrates “Sexual Harassment Awareness Month.”

The majority of the City Council voted reluctantly to add male-only classes at the city’s expense that month, with one calling the coalition a joke after the city attorney recommended they host the alternative training to minimize legal risk.

Reached by phone on Wednesday, Harry Crouch, president of the San Diego-based nonprofit coalition, said his group was glad the city scheduled a self-defense class for men and boys.

“We’re very pleased that the city of Glendale decided to provide the same opportunities and services to men as they would women and girls,” Crouch said.

The goal of the classes is to provide training that may help participants avoid sexual assaults and fight perpetrators if they are ever attacked. Crouch added earlier that men are also prone to violent attacks and could benefit from free self-defense classes.

Mayor Zareh Sinanyan suggested in April that the male-only class should incorporate conversations about bullying.

The two female classes, which cost $400, are to be paid for with funds raised by the Commission on the Status of Women. The cost of the men’s class will come out of the city’s General Fund, which pays for police, parks and other general services.

The two female-only classes are scheduled from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday in the Glendale Police Department’s large community room, 131 N. Isabel St., and 6:30 to 9 p.m. on June 25 in Glendale Community College’s Student Center Conference Room, SC212, 1500 N. Verdugo Road.

The male-only class is slated to take place from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on June 18 in the Glendale Police Department’s large community room.

Participants must be 12 years old or older. Reservations are required. To hold a spot or for more information, call (818) 548-2000 or email


Way to go,NCFM,way to go. Thank you for this good news.

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