Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Defeat Kay Hagan defeat Hillary Clinton

From Stop Hillary PAC:

Hillary Clinton is running for President.

Hillary and her campaign are secretly plotting their road map to win the presidency with as little resistance as possible.

Fortunately, I have inside information on her plans -- and more importantly -- we have a strategy to stop her.

What I can tell you right now: Hillary's plan to win the presidency goes right through the state of North Carolina.

North Carolina, along with a small handful of other states, is essential to Hillary being elected president, and she and her super PAC, "Ready for Hillary" are going all-in to make it happen.

I'm writing you today to ask you to chip in to help me stop them.

You see, essential to winning North Carolina in 2016, Hillary must first reelect Kay Hagan, the liberal incumbent Senator who has already endorsed Hillary's run for the presidency.

That's right; Senator Kay Hagan from North Carolina is already endorsing Hillary for President.

In typical Washington D.C. fashion, Senator Kay Hagan has endorsed Hillary for President -- and Hillary will endorse Hagan for re-election.

That's why I'm announcing our plans today to defeat Kay Hagan for re-election. If we can defeat Senator Hagan's re-election, we blow a huge hole in Hillary's plan to be elected president.

But I can't do this alone, and that's why I'm asking you to chip in right now to help me defeat Senator Kay Hagan today. Will you chip in as much as $50 to help us defeat Hillary's personal choice for Senate in North Carolina?

How important is North Carolina to win the presidency?

Here are the facts:

• In 2008, Barack Obama won North Carolina by 1 point and in 2012, he lost North Carolina by 1 point -- North Carolina is a true swing state;

• 3 of the last 4 Governors of North Carolina have been Democrats;

• Liberal Super PACs beholden to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have already invested over 8 million dollars in re-electing Kay Hagan. That is more than any other Senate race in the country; AND

• Kay Hagan's campaign has outraised her opponent by more that 5-1 -- this week she placed a media buy for 4 million dollars.

North Carolina will be the state that decides who is the next President of the United States. That's why Hillary Clinton and her Super PAC's are going all-in.

And that's why I'm asking for your immediate help.

Will you join me by making a special, urgent contribution to our special fund to defeat liberal Senator Kay Hagan for re-election and deal a decisive blow to Hillary's plans to win the presidency? Some dedicated supporters have donated as much as $100 and $500. For others, $25 and $50 is a sacrificial gift.

Whatever you do, please commit to something. Even $10 will help us target the right voters to defeat Senator Hagan.

Current polls put Kay Hagan only 2.4% ahead of her GOP challenger.

This is a race we can -- MUST -- win.

While all races for U.S. Senate are important this year, North Carolina has more on the line than most because it will decide who our next president is.

That's why your support today is so important.

Will you chip in?


Senator Ted Harvey
Chairman, Stop Hillary PAC

P.S. North Carolina -- and the re-election of liberal Senator Kay Hagen -- holds the key to Hillary's run for the presidency. That's why Stop Hillary PAC is announcing today our campaign to defeat Kay Hagan and blow a hole through Hillary's plans.

Will you please make an urgent contribution to ensure we have the resources to launch a hard-hitting campaign to defeat Hillary and Kay Hagan today? Please, click here to chip in.

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