Friday, September 12, 2014

It couldn't happen here. Could it?

Can it happen here? Yes,it could. Feminism is proof of that. Feminism has gotten its issues out to the sympathetic politicians and populace. The nazis couldn't accomplish it neither could their Japanese coconspriators: to fly their respective flags at the White House. The Germans said they would fly the swastika. The Japanese the rising sun and during the Cold War the Russians with the hammer and sickle. These threats were empty rhetoric. Now the terrorist group,ISIS or ISIL,are making the same threat. Will they succeed? Who knows. There is only one of these hate movements that has be not only been accepted into American society but it is actually embraced by a large part of the population and that movement is feminism. The most honest face of feminism,"gender feminism",wasn't unleashed upon American society until 1993 with the election of Bill Clinton as president. With the Bill Clinton presidency came great risks for Men's Rights Activists. Masculist publications were being monitored by the FBI. Because the Bill Clinton presidency was sympathetic to the feminist cause they were going to use the power of the government against us. Today we seen Obama wearing a t-shirt that says "this is what a feminist looks like" and old mean man-hater Joe Biden as the veep. I would say that feminism has indeed infiltrated American society the same way rot infiltrates wood.

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