Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Georgia lawmaker stands up for due process for accused students

From SAVE Services:

We have a victory! Georgia state representative Earl Ehrhart, Chair of the Georgia Appropriations Committee, held a hearing on Monday about due process on college campuses.

During the hearing, he grilled college administrators on why they don't provide due process to students, threatening that the schools will not get funding if they don't immediately start providing fundamental due process protections:see video

Please call Rep. Ehrhart and thank him for speaking so boldly on behalf of due process.


Telephone: (404) 463-2247

Let's keep the momentum going and have a state we can use as an example for the nation!

Thank you!

Gina Lauterio, Esq., Policy Program Director

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

You may want to contact your state legislators and governor and let them know that if Georgia can do they can do it.

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