Saturday, April 23, 2016

Make the CDC reinstate funding for prostate cancer treatment and research

Apr 21, 2016, 08:40 ET from National Coalition For Men

SAN DIEGO, April 21, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — The Center for Disease Control (CDC) FY-2017 budget request is 11.86 billion dollars, an 87 million dollar increase.

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No funds were requested for the existing 13.7 million dollar prostate cancer program even though, as explained in the budget narrative, “the evidence on prostate cancer screening remains unclear.”

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men. Only lung cancer kills more men than prostate cancer (American Cancer Society).

Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths among white, black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic men; and the fourth cause of cancer deaths for Pacific Islander men (CDC).

Two large Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) trials recently published conflicting results. A European trial (the ERSPC) found a clear and significant reduction in mortality, but a US trial (the PLCO) found little benefit and even some harm.

PSAs reportedly have a high incidence of false alarms, but they produce accurate results as well. Either way, the results can be devastating for those tested.

“Given the uncertainty and conflicting data, it seems much more research, not less, is needed. The defunded program was an essential element of fighting prostate cancer, a cancer that robs the mental health, physical wellbeing, and lives of thousands of men every year, as well as the horrific impact on their families,” said Harry Crouch, President of NCFM.

NCFM asks for your support by calling your Congressional representatives and asking them to restore CDC funding for the Prostate Cancer program.

For a good discussion of related issues see here

Media Contact:

Steven Svoboda


SOURCE National Coalition For Men

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