Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tell your college alma mater and/or elected officials about victim centered investigations on college and university campuses

From SAVE Services:

A new trend called "victim-centered investigations" is troubling us at SAVE.

The gist of the new investigatory approach is to start from believing the complainant and to continue the investigation from the complainant's perspective--thus ending the police's role as neutral fact-finder.

Colleges are starting to look into using this technique, and we need stop it.

We are asking you to contact the university or college where you attended school, and ask them to continue implementing fair investigative procedures.

Tell them to preserve the presumption of innocence on their campus.

If you didn't attend college or do not want to contact your alma mater then contact your elected officials. Congressional Representative:click here and Senators: click here. You can also contact Senator James Lankford and Senator Lamar Alexander. Neither of the aforementioned Senators are big fans of what the Obama administration is doing to college and university men so contacting them would be a plus. On Lankford's website click on "send an email on legislation" to send him an email.

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