Friday, October 14, 2016

Trump Jr.: Women Who 'Can't Handle' Harassment Should Teach Kindergarten

In a 2013 radio interview on the "The Opie and Anthony Show" surfaced by Buzzfeed News on Thursday, Donald Trump Jr. complains about women making charges of sexual harassment in the workplace, suggesting that women who have a trouble with men making certain comments should go teach kindergarten.

The comments came as Trump Jr. and the hosts were discussing whether women should be allowed at male-only golf courses.

“If you have a guys’ place you have a guys’ place," Trump Jr. said.
One of the hosts then lamented that women "complain" about "harassment."
"That’s why we hate having them around. They stop us from doing what we want to do," the host said.

Trump Jr. said that "in the club house, guys just want to be guys" and converse freely "even if you’re just talking s**t and it’s not really true."
One of the hosts then said that it's mostly "just bulls**tting around" and then suddenly human resources is intervening.

Trump Jr. then said, "I’m of that mindset — and I’ll get into trouble, I’m sure — I’ve been on this show enough, I’m sure I’ll get myself in trouble one of these days — but like, if you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, like you don’t belong in the workforce. Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position."

"You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know...” Trump Jr. continued. “But listen — there’s a place where you have to draw the line — but today the stuff you get in trouble for…”


Dad gets it. Son gets it. It is the Hillary camp that is clueless. Thanks to Donald Trump Jr. for being a man and for not giving in to feminism and gynocentricity. Just like Scott Baio both Trumps don't give a rat's ass if these bitches like it or not. Just like me. The gynocentrists can go shove it up their asses for all I care. The line in the sand has been drawn. We are making a stand.

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