Sunday, February 24, 2019

Forcing only men to sign up for Selective Service has been ruled as gender discrimination against men

The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) is pleased with the court’s decision in NCFM v. Selective Service. Forcing only males to register is an aspect of socially institutionalized male disposability and helps reinforce the stereotypes that support discrimination against men in other areas such as child custody, divorce, criminal sentencing, paternity fraud, education, public benefits, domestic violence services, due process rights, genital autonomy, and more.

“Women are now allowed in combat, so this decision is long overdue,” said Marc Angelucci, attorney for NCFM. “After decades of sex discrimination against men in the Selective Service, the courts have finally found it unconstitutional to force only men to register. Even without a draft, men still face prison, fines, and denial of federal loans for not registering or for not updating the government of their whereabouts. Since women will be required to register with the Selective Service, they should face the same repercussions as men for any noncompliance.”


Then there is this:

Only Drafting Men in War Is Gender ‘Discrimination,’ Federal Judge Rules
By Pluralist | Feb 25, 2019

“They’re hollering they don’t have equal ‘rights.'”

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday than an all-male military draft is unconstitutional given that women can now serve in combat roles just as men do.

Judge Gray H. Miller of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas noted that the Supreme Court’s 1981 ruling in favor of excluding women from the draft was based on the fact that women could not be combat soldiers. But the Pentagon opened up all military roles to women in 2015.

“While historical restrictions on women in the military may have justified past discrimination, men and women are now ‘similarly situated for purposes of a draft or registration for a draft,’” Judge Miller wrote in his ruling. “If there ever was a time to discuss ‘the place of women in the Armed Services,’ that time has passed.”

Miller said Congress has never fully examined whether men are physically better able to serve than women. In fact, he noted in a footnote, “the average woman could conceivably be better suited physically for some of today’s combat positions than the average man, depending on which skills the position required. Combat roles no longer uniformly require sheer size or muscle.”

Miller’s ruling was declaratory, and it did not specify any action that the government must take to comply. It comes as an 11-member advisory panel, the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, is studying the draft system, considering whether it should continue and whether women should be included.

The case was brought by a men’s right group, and two men who argued an all-male draft violates the 14th Amendment’s equal-protection clause. Although there has not be a US military draft in 40 years, men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits such as federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

The group, called the National Coalition For Men, cheered the ruling.

“We think it’s about time since women are allowed in combat,” Marc E. Angelucci, a lawyer for the National Coalition for Men, said. “If we have draft registration, both sexes should have to register. There’s really no more excuse to require only men to register.”

Many conservatives called the decision a logical result of the feminist campaign for equal rights, which in the #MeToo era has focused on combating workplace inequality.


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