Sunday, June 30, 2019

Polls Show that a Majority of Women Now Support Socialism

New poll reports show that a majority of women between the ages of 18 and 54 prefer to live in a socialist country over a capitalist country.

Specifically, 55 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 54 approve of certain socialist policies. This new trend of socialism’s rising approval was highlighted in a Harris poll for “Axios on HBO.”

On the other hand, a majority of men disagreed with embracing socialism and preferred to live in a capitalist society instead.

The Harris poll revealed that “the public has varying levels of agreement on what exactly constitutes a socialist political system.”

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The poll detailed the following responses to what people considered as socialism:

Universal healthcare: 76%
Tuition-free education: 72%
Living wage: 68%
State-controlled economy: 66%
State control and regulation of private property: 61%
High taxes for the rich: 60%
State-controlled media and communication: 57%
Strong environmental regulations: 56%
High public spending: 55%
Government “democratizes” private businesses — that is, gives workers control over them — to the greatest extent possible: 52%
System dependent on dictatorship: 49%
Workers own and control their places of employment: 48%
Democratically-elected government: 46%

Axios’s Alexi McCammond observed on “Axios on HBO”:

We’ve seen this pattern of behavior where women are turning out in higher numbers as voters and as candidates than we’ve ever seen. They’re getting elected in higher numbers than before. They’re pushing the conversation in different ways.

The political reporter continued, “They’re looking for someone, a candidate on either side, who’ll support this idea of a socialist country that they want to live in.”

Within the Democratic party, socialism has become more popular since 2016. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gave a speech on June 19, 2019 defending his preferred brand of socialism, “democratic socialism.”

For the younger generations, Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez has become a leading figure in the fight to normalize radically leftist ideas.

This trend will likely continue as business, cultural institutions, and educational venues embrace leftist political culture.


Women do look up to Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez as a leader so this is most likely a very accurate poll. That is why if you want to preserve capitalism then it is best to vote pro-male. Pro-Male=Pro-Capitalism=Pro-Democracy.

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