Saturday, June 6, 2020

Celebrity is sexually assaulted

Actress Lena Dunham goes “fangirl” for Bill Clinton at the Golden Globe Awards. Because ya know, Bill Clinton is such a champion of women’s rights.

Yes, I can see how much of a Bill Clinton admirer she is. She has learned a lot from him. Like acting like a sanctimonious asshole while blaming others. She accuses men of all types of vile acts yet she used a foreign object to penetrate her younger sister's vagina. No, her sister was not a willing accomplice. She has used her celebrity status to smear MRA's. Satruday Night LIve even did a smear skit about us because Lena Dunham was guest-hosting that night.

(Scroll down to "they're getting scared".)

Will Metoo hold Lena Dunham accountable like they would Brad Pitt if it had been reversed. With Brad Pitt probably not but if he had been a non-famous man then chances are he would be blamed.

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