Friday, August 14, 2020

Terrence Popp responds to Tomi Lahren

This video is fucking funny. Perhaps one of Popp's best.


  1. Terrence Popp cheated on his wife , got caught and she left him. He then stalked her and caught her at a hotel with a guy. Now Terrence hates all women including his ex-wife, mother, sister, and 2 daughters. He must have really gotten his nuts crushed by his wife to cause him to go on a 15 year rant about the evils of all women. I wish he would stop with the military stories. His made up BS is making the rest of us veterans look bad. Most Veterans belive in God, love their wife, don't get drunk every day, and focus on making the world a better place.

  2. so let me get this straight POPP has been doing videos for over 10 years and has over 371 men who testified he saved there lives. all you have to day is POPP is bad he hates women? give me a break? he served in 3 wars was almost killed n 2 of them. this man has done the impossible on the regular and beat all the odds. he speaks to over 500k men a month and he will continue to same more n more

  3. this is terrence popp actual, 1 I never cheated on my wife. I came home from iraq wounded n my now x wife went back to dick shopping with her vag and mouth. 2 I like most men got hammered in court I lost my kids and was called a murderer and an assassin in open court. in my 33 years I have burried 2 soldiers a year and at least one was a suicide. I also did my own research and discovered 70% on vets n service men who committed suicide had a divorce in there past. hate all women? I just tell the truth about them and bust out there tricks and am warning young men on what to avoid. as for made up BS I am a fully qualified green beret, airborne ranger and paratrooper who was in the army for 3 formal conflicts 2 of which nearly saw me slain. none of my storied are made up, as for making you look bad perhaps you should have hung out in the regiment and walked for your green beret. but hay lesser men throw shade at men who can do what they cant do or who are to scared to attempt. and as of today I have 377 men who have come forward and stated the comedy of kept them from killing themselves (terrence popp)
