I received a publication from a friend by snail mail and the section enclosed by the red caught my attention. The publication is Reader Magazine and on page 14 they are trying to get people to contact California senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (who are both worthless feminazis) to pass The Convention on the Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimation against Women (CEDAW) and they are packaging it as though women were really suffering,which they are not. I contacted them and told them that women are definitely NOT suffering,in fact it was men who are suffering at the hands of this matriarchy more than women ever will.
The more of us they hear from the louder our voices will be heard.
To contact them:
phone: Tel: 909-335-8100
Fax: 909-335-6777
snail mail: The Reader Magazine
10 East Vine Street, Suite 210
Redlands, California 92373
(update: I hope that email address works now. If your email came back undelieverable welcome to the club. Hopefully the correction should do it.
6-28-07-My eletter just got spitted back at me so the "info" part of the address isn't any good which is odd considering this is the only email address they gave. Oh well,let's try "letters".)
The following is the eletter I wrote to them:
This is in response to your advertisement that The Convention on the Elimation of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is justified when it is not. Women in the U.S. do not suffer discrimination nor do they face discrimination in the western world. Women attend univerisities more than men do,women have special programs that are denied men and women can get out of crimes that men cannot. To pass this legislation in the U.S. is akin to giving money to rich people as though they were poor. In fact it is MEN who face more discrimination more than women do.
Here are some examples:
All of below from the book 'The Myth Of Male Power' by Dr. Warren Farrell:
1. Selective Service-chapter 1,pg.28-'a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do':
"In post offices throughout the United States,Selective Service posters remind men that only they must register for the draft. If the post office had a poster saying "A Jew's gotta do what a Jew's gotta do' or if 'a woman's gotta a do...' were written across the body of a pregnant woman... The question is this: How is it if any other group were singled out to register for the draft based merely on its characteristics at birth-be that group blacks,Jews,women or gays-we would immediately recognize it as genocide,but when men are singled out based on on their sex at birth,men (and women from what I,MM,have seen) call it power".
Same chapter,pg.30: 'Our slogan for women is "A Woman's body. A Woman's Choice";our slogan for men is "A Man's Gotta Do What A Man Has To Do".
2. Rape-"The Politics of Rape"-chapter 14,pg.322
"To my considerable chagrin,we found that at least 60 percent of all rape allegations were false"-Dr. Charles P. McDowell,Supervisory Special Agent,U.S. Air Force,Office of Special Investigations.
These are cases where women deliberitly LIED. Why did they lie?
These are the reasons and percentages: Same chapter,pg.325
"Spite or revenge-20%,to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame-20%,thought she might be pregnant-13%,to conceal an affair-12%,to test husband's love-9%,mental/emotional disorder-9%,to avoid personal responsibility-4%,failure to pay or extortion-4%,thought she might have caught VD-3%,other-6%.Total-100%".
3. Women-only defenses-"Women who kill too much and the courts that free them:the twelve female only defenses"-chapter 12,pgs.254-282 (to keep this short we will only cover three)
1.The "innocent woman" defense "I am starting with the 'innocent woman defense' because it underlies all twelve defenses. At first I called this the 'Female Credibility Principle' because of the tendency to see women as more credible than men because of being thought more innocent. However,even when women admitted making false allegations that they were raped or that their husbands abused them,for example,their admission that they lied was often not believed. Therefore the belief in the innocent woman ran even deeper than the tendency to believe women."
Farrell gives an example such as:
*Bessie Reese was angry that he husband was leaving her so she poisoned the lunches of her husband's travelling companion's children and those children died. Her husband's friend,James Richardson,was falsely convicted of killing his own children and sent to prison even though he had an alibi and he sat on death row for 21 years before being exonerated for the crimes. Reese had confessed to the crimes while he sat in prison but nobody believed her and she was no innocent little girl. She was set free after being found guilty of poisoning her first husband and guilty of shooting her second,only this time she did a short stint in jail. The only way Richardson was freed was on racial grounds (Reese is white and Richardson is black). Why was she never considered a suspect? Because the local sheriff was having an affair with her and covered up for her.
2.The PMS defence ("My body,no choice")
"In,1970,when Dr. Edgar Berman said women's hormones during menstruation and menopause could have a detrimental influence on women's decision making,feminists were outraged. He was soon served up as the quintessential example of medical male chauvinism. But by the 1980's,some feminists were saying that PMS was the reason a woman who deliberately killed a man should go free. In England,the PMS defense freed Chrisitine English after she confessed to killing her boyfriend by deliberately ramming him into a utilty pole with her car; and,after killing a co-worker,Sandie Smith was put on probation-with one condition: she must report monthly for injections of progesterone to control symptoms of PMS. By the 1990's,the PMS defense paved the way for other hormonal defenses. Sheryl Lynn Massip could place her 6-month old son under a car,run over him repeatedly,and the,uncertain he was was dead,do it again,then claim postpartum depression and be given outpatient medical help. No feminist protested."
3.The husband defense "The film 'I love you to death' was based on a true story of a woman who tried to kill her husband when she discovered he had been unfaithful. She and her mom tried to poison him,then hired muggers to beat him and shoot him through the head. A fluke led to their being caught and sent to jail.Miraculously,the husband survived." The husband forgave her and her actions. In fact,a lot of husbands forgive their wives even when that husband has done nothing wrong.
These are just a few examples of female privilege and male disadvantage. Now some can say that women are disadvantage in the non-western world but these are the same people that ignore male suffering in those same regions. For instance men and only men are required to serve in these countries' military and some of these men may not want to do that but they have no voice and no international agencies speaking out on their behalf and if these men protest they take the chance of alienating their government which may persecute them for speaking out and it is these men that must fight a war if their government demands it whereas women are exempt from this just as they are in the western world so passing CEDAW makes very little sense.