Sunday, September 9, 2007

MSNBC and the transexuals

I was watching MS NBC's "Born in the wrong body" which featured transsexuals of both genders. It seems like MS NBC gets a kick out of emasculating men considering they have a habit of it considering they have another show called To catch a predator as long as the predator is a man (even though we've all read shit loads of articles describing how females,especially teachers,have molested their students and some of those students are very young). On this show they have an assorted cast of characters and they're all very nuts. The scary thing is a couple of the male-to-female nut jobs look just like real women: small hands and a small to nonexistent Adam's apple (shoe size I don't know). I saw this cold stone sober in the cold light of day so if some regular hetero guy is tossing a few back in a bar with dimmed lighting and one of the things I saw on TV were to walk wouldn't be a pretty picture,especially if the normal guy found out and started going psycho on that fag. I could see and understand that happening. They also had female-to-male transsexuals too and they came off very effeminate,as did the male-to-female transsexuals. One of the female-to-male transsexuals still played on the girl's field hockey team because if "it" were to play on a boy's (those born male) team they would get their ass handed to them,big time. So they have to play on the girl's team because they lack the upper body strength real men have. So I guess the reverse is true of male-to-female transsexuals as well. So it seems that all this surgery is just cosmetic as they can't remove all the things that designate a person to a particular gender. Sure they can give the female-to-male transsexual a mastectomy,hysterectomy and male sex hormones and they can give a male-to-female transsexual female sex hormones,give him breasts and emasculate him but there are things that they can't take away. They don't remove the brain and there are differences in the male and female brains. So a sex change is cosmetic at best because one of the sex differences is in the brain and no one has been able to alter that. One of the things I've heard about is that the "new woman?" had to widen the new hole where "her?" penis was with a dildo device or the wound would close up. I've also heard of where the "new man?" has trouble getting an erection. The reason for this is they graft skin from the abdomen and then make a "penis?" out of this. The problem is that while abdomen skin stretches it is not what one would consider "erectile skin" and the abdomen is hardly a sexual organ the way a normal penis is. A lot of insurance companies require a psychiatrist's and/or psychologist's approval or they won't pay for the operations. I guess this is because of some individuals regrets of the decision they've made and they are holding the insurance companies accountable. In one segment they have a female-to-male transsexual who is talking with a psychologist,who is female-to-male transsexual too and likes men. If that was the case why didn't she remain a "she"? Well,that would apply logic and reason to the argument and these "men?" and "women?" don't get it because they are male (those of us born men) traits. I've heard of cases where the transsexual regrets their decision and end up being attracted to the gender they've reassigned themselves to,which would make them regret getting their plumbing altered.


  1. This is a NEW reason why one should marry a young virgin girl of childbearing age (12 - 14 years old) rather then a 20 or 30 something: the sergons are very good artists now-a-days.

    By marraige I mean secret, religious ceremony only marraige. Also you should have your children in secret too so you are not forced to have their minds stolen from you by the pro-women's rights school (Note: have the girl stand up and lean on a wall when she's having the children like the native americans did: the gravity assist makes things easier)

    Death To women's Rights.
    Viva Men's Liberties.

  2. "I saw this cold stone sober in the cold light of day so if some regular hetero guy is tossing a few back in a bar with dimmed lighting and one of the things I saw on TV were to walk wouldn't be a pretty picture,especially if the normal guy found out and started going psycho on that fag. I could see and understand that happening."
    A lot of Pure Blood Aryans feel the same way about Mongrels, Octaroons, and such. I mean, you can understand why a normal regular White guy would go Psycho, if a girl he picks up doesn't look Jewish....

    I suspect you'd deny that the analogy holds. I ask you though to look at what you said.

    They don't remove the brain and there are differences in the male and female brains.

    Absolutely Correct, I agree completely. It may be un-PC to say that, but there's a mountain of Scientific evidence confirming it.

    Amongst which is....
    Zhou J.-N, Hofman M.A, Gooren L.J, Swaab D.F (1997)
    A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its Relation to Transsexuality
    Kruijver F.P.M, Zhou J.-N, Pool C.W., Swaab D.F. (2000)
    Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus

    Now is an MtoF's Brain completely Feminine? Usually not. The bit that determines whether the are Male of Female is though. The "lucky" ones have feminine brainstems too, so their natural instincts are Female. They're the ones who look normal, even if they look butt-ugly. Conversely, some can look Beautiful, but the body language rings false.

    It's not anyone's fault, nor is it a sign of being a "nut job". Just a form of congenital Intersex condition - and many TS people have other IS conditions too. 46xx is Female, 46xy is Male, but 47xxy is Kleinfelter syndrome, and although most *look* normally Male, and have a normal Male brain - like yours - some don't.

  3. Zoe: I accept your assertion that we are ultra-Nazis-against-feminists-and-friends. Infact I hope that fellow ultra-Nazis follow the normal ultra-Nazi-political-development-curve and rid the entire world of feminist women and their supporters.

  4. "A lot of insurance companies require a
    psychiatrist's and/or psychologist's approval or they won't pay for
    the operations. I guess this is because of some individuals regrets
    of the decision they've made and they are holding the insurance
    companies accountable. "

    Actually, surgeons require approval because some people request genital reassignment surgery who are not transsexual.

    "I've heard of cases where the transsexual regrets their
    decision and end up being attracted to the gender they've reassigned
    themselves to,which would make them regret getting their plumbing

    There are cases where people regret their decision because they aren't actually transsexual. There are plenty of transsexuals who live happily after their transitions as lesbians or as gay men.

  5. A lot of Pure Blood Aryans feel the same way about Mongrels, Octaroons, and such. I mean, you can understand why a normal regular White guy would go Psycho, if a girl he picks up doesn't look Jewish....

    I suspect you'd deny that the analogy holds. I ask you though to look at what you said.

    You're right about me denying the analogy holds but that is it. Transexuals choose their paths unlike other groups who were born into their respective groups whether by race or gender and to make a CONSCIOUS effort to change that gender is MAKING A CHOICE. It is similar to one making a polical choice or any other choice.

    Now is an MtoF's Brain completely Feminine? Usually not. The bit that determines whether the are Male of Female is though. The "lucky" ones have feminine brainstems too, so their natural instincts are Female. They're the ones who look normal, even if they look butt-ugly. Conversely, some can look Beautiful, but the body language rings false.

    It's not anyone's fault, nor is it a sign of being a "nut job". Just a form of congenital Intersex condition - and many TS people have other IS conditions too. 46xx is Female, 46xy is Male, but 47xxy is Kleinfelter syndrome, and although most *look* normally Male, and have a normal Male brain - like yours - some don't.

    Yes and I remember a few years ago hearing about the "gay gene" and that turned out to be a hoax.

  6. Actually, surgeons require approval because some people request genital reassignment surgery who are not transsexual.

    And in some cases possible law suits against them and their insurance company.

  7. Zoe,

    The American Psychological Association does label "transexuality" as a mental illness so while such terms as "nuts" and "nutjobs" may be unPC they are still correct.

  8. It seems clear from this article that there are few things in this world you know LESS about than transgender identity or the lives of people who are, to varying degrees, living the best lives they can in the face of ignorance and misogynistic animosity.

    The thing that frightens me the most, and makes me fear for the safety of transgender children and youth is your endorsement of violence as an acceptable response to a man being "surprised" to find out that a woman he might be interested in is transgender.

    You need to realize that your masculine posturing might result in someone actually being seriously physically injured or killed.

    A real man stands up for and defends those who are victimized by others. If you are indeed a masculist, then help protect those who are weaker. If you can't do that, then you just need to shut your mouth.

    Jenn B.
    Portland, OR

  9. "A real man stands up for and defends those who are victimized by others. If you are indeed a masculist, then help protect those who are weaker. If you can't do that, then you just need to shut your mouth."

    Ha Ha Ha, the real man crap again (ofcourse coming from the fingers of a woman).

    No, missy, we are not texas real men bent on defending the unfortunate pro-women's rights females and the transexuals of the world.

    We are an opposition group. We oppose you and seek to destroy you.

    God willing, we will be victorious.

    Death To women's Rights.

  10. Jenn,

    You are the reason a lot of people are under the impression that Oregon is some ballbusting misandric lunitic state.

    The thing that frightens me the most, and makes me fear for the safety of transgender children and youth is your endorsement of violence as an acceptable response to a man being "surprised" to find out that a woman he might be interested in is transgender.

    First of all,if someone who is a fag and that is all a transexual is is a mutilated fag plays the part of someone of the opposite sex and the guy who thought he was intimate with a woman turns out not to be a woman then there are going to be repercussions. You may not like that but it is a fact of life. I've heard a lot of things about Oregon,especially Portland and such phrases as "feminist nightmare" have been used to describe the place.

    You need to realize that your masculine posturing might result in someone actually being seriously physically injured or killed.

    If the fag humiliated the man the fag gets what's coming to him. Men don't like to be humiliated and we get very pissed off about it when we are.

    Besides,your feminist posturing is screwing up the western world.

    A real man stands up for and defends those who are victimized by others. If you are indeed a masculist, then help protect those who are weaker. If you can't do that, then you just need to shut your mouth.

    A real woman would do the dishes,clean the house and get me a beer. Can you do that? No,a "masculist" is a defender of MEN'S RIGHTS and champions those said rights. Shut me up? Not a chance.

  11. Interesting: I thought this blog was for Men's Rights, against the injustices many Men suffer at the hands of Divorce Courts and the Politically Correct.

    But there are no Men here, merely Taliban (without the Islam). People who ignore facts and evidence to hide their own self-perceived inferiority.

  12. Zoe,

    Basically this blog is about men's rights. Have you read more of the blog? It is a men's rights board as I've discussed things of interest to men and their rights and the status of those rights.

    It is interesting that you should mention the taliban because I admire their take on women and agree that certain steps must be taken in the domestication of women or should I say re-domestication of women. If you're not going to put one in your house or your life for that matter then at least make them harmless against those who may otherwise be attacked by these savage beasts we call "women". Yes,a savageness every man knows and what every woman knows as well but will never admit to and I suspect you will not either.

  13. "But there are no Men here, merely Taliban (without the Islam)."

    The Bible is more anti-women's rights then Islam: that is why I like the Bible the most :).


  14. How about this fine analogy? PC whining and fingernails running over a blackboard.
