Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feminist quotes

Why am I so down on feminism? Why do we call them "feminazis"? Let's look at the following quotes:

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things." -- Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men, started by Valerie Solanas)

"If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males." --Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001.

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.)

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." -- Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future - If There Is One - Is Female.

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."
Margaret Sanger

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” - Catharine A. MacKinnon

"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo." -- Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto (SCUM stands for Society for Cutting Up Men)

"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex." -- Valerie Solanas


  1. I have read these things before. I suppose the only thought that goes through my mind is that it has been men who have done most to make all of these aspirations come true.

    I can not really see this changing though I think increasingly we will see women doing the actually dirty work rather than just working from the shadows. Lots more women MPs soon.

  2. How do you know men were involved? If this is legitimate then so is misogyny. Fair is fair.

  3. I am not quite certain what your piont is Masculist but I will say that I am a misogynist. I do see what is happening as arising from the fundamental nature of women and not because of some conspiracy or social malfunction.

  4. I was just illustrating the evil nature of feminism. Yes female nature is very evil from what we're seeing.

  5. Thinking about this makes me want to add a quote or rather an observation of my own. It's rather bleak.

    To my thinking and experience male existence is hardly bearable at all. It is something that is not worth having. To be a man is to be in pain and this pain is of the most deep and tormenting form.

    So when women say men should not exits I am incline to support them. If men did not exist all that would be lost would be the torture of being a man.

  6. This is simply ignorant. Of course, there are extreme cases of misandry (I notice a third of your quotes come from representatives of one very extreme group, SCUM) but there are far more cases of extreme misogyny. And while you may be hurt by the words of these women, far more women than are hurt every day physically, psychologically, economically by the misogynist cultures we all live in. To point to extreme cases of misandry as evidence that "female nature is very evil" is illogical and spiteful. Grow up and educate yourself about the reality of gender inequality. I think you'll find that, despite these meanies, you really don't have it so bad.

  7. Anonymous March 17, 2010 7:02 AM,

    I have quoted mainstream feminist leaders. NOW had championed the words of Valerie Solanas also a lot of the feminist leaders are quoted on that post. Women claim that western society is "misogynist" yet we see women exempt from combat duty in the military while men alone are made to risk their lives so women can have it easy. More money is spent on women's health than men's health,compare brest cancer research to prostate cancer,two types of cancer that affect their respective genders with as just as much frequency yet women get priority over men. If men have it so easy then why are men 95% of those to get killed on the job? If women don't have it so easy then why do they have special offices for them and why do they need special laws for them? Read this blog and see why men have it more difficult than women do.

  8. Wow... I don't even know where to being. Your very words undermine your own beliefs and only serve to show the truth behind the matter.

    And despite your poor choice of quotes, feminist's goals are not to degrade men or make them subservient to women or even have them become less than women. the whole idea is that women should be accepted as women and not punished for it. Just as men should be accepted as men and not punished for it.
    As with any group of people there are going to be assholes and fools. You dont judge a group of people based on the ideas and beliefs of a few. For example: I don't think all men are foolish, ignorant, assholes and judge them as such just because you are that way.

    Another thing. Mysogyny is not the opposite of feminism. Your concepts of feminism are astoundingly stupid. Mysogyny is the hatred or contempt of women. Feminism is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. The opposite of feminism is masculism, which is the belief in the social, polital, and ecnomic equality of the sexes. The opposite of mysogyny is misandry, the hate or contempt of men.

    Feminism only relates to mysogyny insofar as they are both views about gender and the sexes. Also, that only mistaken and misinformed people confuse feminism with misandry and masculism with mysogyny. Besides that they are unrelated.

    Im am sorry that your see these things in such an inacurrate way. I am not sure how you think that people who believe both genders should be treated equally equates with men haters. The only thing i can figure is that because your idea of feminism is so twisted you may think that only females are feminist and as such, by their very nature, women hate men. But i assure you, you could not be more wrong.

    I'm sorry if it seems feminism has made your life harder or made things more unfair, I'm sorry that your idea of masculinity is so wrapped up with the subservience of men that when women stand up for themselves and their rights it makes you feel emasculated and threatened. this is not the goal or the plan. Feminists want both men and women to be able to live in harmony. Women are no more inately evil than men. I hope that someday you will understand this. All i can say is i'm sorry that you feel this way, and that is why things need to be changed.

  9. This list of feminist horror quotes is old stuff. We've all seen it, and by "all", I mean all who have been around the MRM for any length of time.

    You can't fight feminism just by waving this list in the air. That works only for impressing greenhorn recruits, but those recruits must quickly be moved into higher degrees of initiation, so to speak.

    The way to fight feminism is to develop a cutting-edge analysis, train effective agitators, develop specialists, and build coalitions among a broad cultural/political spectrum.

    And the way to destroy feminism in the long run, is to slowly STRANGLE it to death with the political machinery I have described above.

    One thing that you and I would no doubt agree on, MasculistMan, is that feminism must be dealt with unmercifully.

    The problem is, there is both a better and a worse way to execute such a policy.

    Doing it the wrong way could sink us. . .

    That is what I fear most.

  10. @anonymous feminist:

    You're peddling lies and insults then again that is nothing new. The feminists that I quoted are held in high regard in the feminist community and no lies you try to peddle is going to change that. "It's the feminists over there" is an old arguement and one that is found to be faulty.


    Yes,bro,we agree that this issue must be addressed except it is not possible to make peace with feminists because they desire our destruction. To make peace with them is similiar to jews making peace with nazis or Hamas,it just can't be done. This is a war we must win not only for ourselves but for our sons,nephews and other men of the next generation. The men of old did nothing to oppose feminism and look where it's gotten us: anti-male sexual harassment laws,bias divorce courts,special offices for women and male bashing in the media. No Fidel we are in a fight and we must take it seriously. This is not the war to give up on.

  11. Thanks a lot for adding the feminist quotes. Most of the sites that appear in searchs, are the same old stuff, like "Feminism is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes."
    This is so stupid.
    If it was like that, the acurate name it will be "equalitirism"
    Feminism, is the fight to get more rights, power, etc, to women.
    Of course, men lose them.

    Like, if women get more rights in Divorce, whos gona lose them ? Men /and children

    I have a portuguese blog. I hope u someday, make a list of non-english sites and blogs, cause some are pretty good.
    Since I know english (make some mistakes), and other languagues, I know it

    Also, add you to my blog
    Also, im a member of a fathers rights org (activist one)

  12. Anonymous May 20, 2010 2:08 PM
    " Feminism is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
    masculism, is the belief in the social, polital, and ecnomic equality of the sexes. "

    Wow, according to this feminist , feminism and masculinism, are exactly the same.

    " Your concepts of feminism are astoundingly stupid."

    And she have the guts, after such stupidity, to call you names. Lol
    What a non-sense, and bi%%h

  13. I do have one non-English speaking listing and that is masculinisme's blog and that is in French. I'll be happy to list your blog in recipocation.

  14. I have finally found a site that supports men's rights, and refuses to back down in the face of determined feminist aggression. Why don't feminists spend their time productively in society rather than attacking males and trying to break some imaginary glass ceiling and so on. If feminists really want equal rights, then lets see them pick up rifle and join the men in the battlefields. Women already have equal rights, and just because some woman didn't get into Harvard Medical doesn't mean she was discriminated against. Maybe it had something to do with her intelligence? There are slightly more pressing issues in our world today, like poverty, or terrorism, maybe feminists should divert their inflated personalities there and leave men alone.

  15. Hi guys, I'm a woman who only just found this blog. I'm a supporter of equal rights of the sexes and still new to your kind of "strong anti-feminism". What I'm unsure of is what you are supporting. Do you want equal rights, or men to rule over women? Do you think men are better than women, inherently?

    "Why don't feminists spend their time productively in society rather than attacking males and trying to break some imaginary glass ceiling and so on."

    To be honest if I look at just about any prestigious occupation, there are less women than men. And historically, there were no women. Don't you think that in each area, it will take some "breaking through" to break the old patterns? Before there's one female CEO, it will be doubted whether women can be CEOs, and therefore there is a glass ceiling. Before there is one male nursery teacher, it will be doubted whether men can take care of young children, and therefore there is a glass ceiling.

    "yet we see women exempt from combat duty in the military while men alone are made to risk their lives so women can have it easy"

    Firstly, wasn't a solely male army the idea of men? It wasn't easy for women to even be accepted into service. Secondly, at least in my country, women did not have it easy in the last war. We were an agricultural country, and as the men had to go fight for our country, women found themselves taking care of the farms and the children. Which they did. One woman wrote how she gave birth, and 40 minutes later went to milk the cows, because who else would have done it? She also had to do all the conventional male tasks on the farm, like mixing concrete and building a wall, or fixing the barn. Unless women had children in strong working age, they did a lot of work. So did the men, in something that was not their choice (war), but which also happened to be brought on the by other men (politicians). I'm not sure what country or time you are referring to with your comment, but I just want to say that being the ones who don't go to the frontline doesn't mean your life is easy. And then to have to feel ashamed of that, in a culture where men don't even want women in the army, is just... sadistical. Because it's rigged. You can't please no matter what you do.

    "Like, if women get more rights in Divorce, whos gona lose them ? Men /and children "

    This depends on what time and place you're looking at. Many cultures say that the children are left with the father at divorce. Always. No matter what. I guess we can agree that's not very good. So, if women get more rights in divorce when the starting point is that they have LESS rights, then you are working towards equality, not women's superiority. This is a fundamental fact I think you guys, at large, are chosing to ignore out of emotional reasons. You are so angry at women and your own plight, that you will "unmercifully" not see anything good about feminism (in the meaning of equal rights for the sexes). However, I do think the men's rights movement has a legitimate fight going on in the 'custody after divorce area' in modern Western countries. I just think you specifically, who I've seen in this blog, are not completely rational in what you choose to believe.


  16. (... continues)

    "If women don't have it so easy then why do they have special offices for them and why do they need special laws for them?"

    Not sure what you mean with offices, but concerning laws, I think the answer is "because they didn't have it very easy before". That situation led to laws that specifically try to make the "easiness" between sexes more equal.

    "" Feminism is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
    masculism, is the belief in the social, polital, and ecnomic equality of the sexes. "

    Wow, according to this feminist , feminism and masculinism, are exactly the same."

    Yes, you understood him/her perfectly. Outside of this world view of yours that's going on here on this blog, this is how feminism and masculism are defined. Both strive for an equality between the sexes. The reason it got to be called 'feminism' is because at the starting point women had less rights than men in most things. It has proven to be a poor choice of name for the movement, because it has since been misused by misandrists who should just call themselves misandrists and be honest about it, and intellectually dishonest people like you, who like to make its imagined meaning into a strawman to fight out of emotional reasons. I think it would be great if we could just start calling it "equalitirism" like you suggest.

    "Women already have equal rights"

    In Western countries it's pretty much so already, but not in the world at large, unfortunately. In Western countries, women now face remainders of a culture that puts them at an unfair disadvantage. Or do you believe that there is no longer a culture like that (honest question)?

    "There are slightly more pressing issues in our world today, like poverty, or terrorism, maybe feminists should divert their inflated personalities there and leave men alone."

    Men where? Those things that you mention are largely caused by corruption, warfare, overpopulation and lack of education. All these things are issues that can be reduced by furthering women's rights in less developed parts of the world. You may have lost hope in Western women, but it seems that when women in developing countries are given more equal rights and opportunities, they invest it into the welfare or their children, family, village, and country. Honest question: Do you think we should stop furthering more equal rights for women in the poor, terrorism ridden countries?

    For a closing question, I'd like to ask you guys, what you would like me to do? As I said, I'm a woman. You don't know me personally, and I feel a bit intimidated that I don't know what exactly you stand for (apparently you hate me, one of you said they're a misogynyst -- not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from that [except that someone is apparently lowering themselves to their enemy's level, or alternatively they're being just as intellectually lazy as their enemy, from the get-go]). What could I as a woman, in your opinion, do to ease your suffering?

    -Curious Female

  17. First if you want to start calling people "dishonest" make sure your own house is in order. I have posted quotes from feminists held in high regard among their peers about how they feel about men. No amount of backpeddling and whiewashing is going to erase that. Women were never oppressed as that is another lie. Women have championed laws against men and now men such as myself are fighting back.

  18. "First if you want to start calling people "dishonest" make sure your own house is in order. I have posted quotes from feminists held in high regard among their peers about how they feel about men. No amount of backpeddling and whiewashing is going to erase that."

    Those women, if they really said that, are not feminists, they're misandrists. They seem quite hateful and viscious. I don't know who they are, because I don't live in the USA nor am I involved in any feminist organisation. (Although I am a feminist, in the official meaning of the word.) But to be honest, those attitudes are something I've also seen on many of the blogs you link to from your blog, just in reverse (targeted at women). I really don't see how the "radical men's rights movement" (I don't know how to call you, correct me if that's the wrong term) can uphold any kind of argumentative integrity by just mirrorring the exact narrow minded sexism that misandrists do. That kind of renders "you" (them who do it) just as unworthy of serious attention, and drowns out any legitimate concerns you may have (which you do). Makes it seem like an emotional, rather than rational movement.

    "Women were never oppressed as that is another lie. "

    How do you back up that claim? If you've blogged about it, I'd appreciate a link.

    "Women have championed laws against men and now men such as myself are fighting back."

    Yes, I can see that. It's still unclear to me whether you want equal rights for sexes or better rights for men (and worse rights for women)?

    Thanks for engaging in discussion, though :)!

  19. Sure, we have all seen these before.

    However - the more the appear on the internet, the more chances there will be of OTHERS seeing them too.

    Excellent post bro!

    In the near future, I'll put these on my own blog.

  20. Gynocentrism (male chivalry) was the norm, not Patriarchism

    Here is your link

    "Women were never oppressed as that is another lie. "

    How do you back up that claim? If you've blogged about it, I'd appreciate a link.

  21. I don't see what the issue is. Men sleep around and think it makes them desirable, when in reality it's quite the opposite. They are incubated walking dildos with wallets. If you don't want to hear things like this, teach younger generations to stop acting like a woman's T&A is their god. Until you do that, I'll treat you all like the disposable walking dildos that you are. Cultivate yourself to have more worth than being just a three minute pleasure tool and you'll be treated as such. Until then, stop whining.

  22. Women also sleep around or did that escape your gender radar? If a guy ignores a girl she will call him "gay" or other names and circulate that all over the place.

    Now as far as shutting up goes:

    Shutting up is out of the question. Shut me up.

  23. this masculine man must be a bastard oor else he wont talk like this. He hasnt understood anything fully and simply blabbers out stuffs. All of you are bastards and would have seen your mother fucking a dog, thats y u speak all this. a man born of a honest mother will never have such dirty and absurd ideas. Masculist man u are surely the son of a bitch. If u were born of good parents u wont be an asshole as this

  24. First of all cuntlips you are showing me two things:

    1. English is not your native language and you're probably not familiar with the way humans comprehend things. At first reading your comment you gave me the impression that you are a chimpanzee since you have the thought process of one and I still have that impression which I believe to be very accurate.

    2. No wonder a lot of Indian guys are MRA's and to them go brothers,get the fuck away from chimpanzee women like Reshmi. If there is petition to help Indian men get away from the likes of you I will sign it. If there is a protest by Indian MRA's against the likes of you I will help my fellow MRA's all I can.

    Go to hell,feminazi.

  25. I will sign it. If there is a protest by Indian MRA's against the likes of you I will help my fellow MRA's all I can.allbestserials || e urdu point

  26. You are a very angry dude, Masculist Man. My bet is that the source of your anger is not actually women, but rather something else in your life, probably something systemic, something very old. You won't overcome this anger by spewing more anger, especially at the wrong targets. Women have been oppressed by men for tens, hundreds, thousands of years. The anthropological and historical evidence for this is overwhelming. Feminists are looking to correct this imbalance, not dominate men. The quotes at the beginning of your post are by misandrists, rather than feminists, and so all this raging against feminists is misplaced, to be generous. But the quotes serve you and your arguments well, as you are more of a woman-hater, or misogynist, than a masculist.
    Again, probably what you want more than anything, underneath all that pain and anger, is for a woman to see you for who you are, and love you, but chances are that you have been routinely denied this pleasure and all your anger isn't helping. You would benefit greatly from realizing that women are just people, just as men are, and there is an angry fringe who would like to destroy men (such as the women responsible for the quotes at the beginning) just as there is an angry fringe among men, such as yourself and your supporters. If you are happy to stay angry, and stay in that misogynist fringe, locked in battle with the fringe misandrists, well then... keep on keeping on. But if you want to see the world as it really is, and have a chance at actual happiness, then understand that most women don't hate men any more than most men hate women. There is a big world out there of men and women respecting each other, enjoying each other, loving each other, and in the best of circumstances... helping each other become more fulfilled people. In the many cases when women are being held down by old rules and social structures designed to keep them subservient, their male friends and lovers and family members are even helping them break through these obstacles, knowing that men have worked hard for a long time to keep women "down" and that equality is the true way forward. That is what actual feminists want. Equality.
    Best of luck

  27. Anonymous July 23, 2019 at 10:29 PM,

    Thank you for showing us what a concern troll is. Fuck you for spreading lies. What studies are you referring to? Ones that have been debunked? Feminism is not about man-hating just as Naziism is not about hatred of jews. Our anger is justified. You don't give a shit about us you just want to sound noble. Women have never been oppressed. How many women died on the battlefields? None. Even though there have been queens that ordered soldiers into battle none of those soldiers were women. In the 1800's United States when a woman committed a crime, her husband or father served the sentence. If she was married her husband served. If she was single her father or another male relative served.

  28. Hey MM, thanks for confirming my initial hypothesis about your anger problem.

    I think what's really going on here is that men like you see the slow creep towards equality brought about by feminism and the inexorable flow of history and you just don't like it. You pine for the "good old days" when men were men and women were in the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant, "like a woman should be," without the right to vote or work or do much else. One way to make your position seem justified is to re-cast history to make it seem as if women were actually the oppressors, and you're just fighting for "equality." But your writing makes it clear that you are really a misogynist, rather than a masculist. In fact you routinely confuse masculism with misogyny, just as you mix up feminism with misandrism.

    The above pattern is quite analogous to all the whites who do not like the slow creep towards equal rights for brown people, and wish for the "good old days" when blacks and browns "knew their place," or could even be bought or sold. I'm imagining you are a Trump supporter, am I right?

    You do know, don't you, that men have historically also often bought and sold women as concubines, or sex slaves? Even today sex trafficking almost exclusively young powerless women being bought, sold, and raped by men.

    Anyway, I can see that your positions haven't changed much in the intervening 9 years since your original post, and so I hold little hope of changing your mind now. So, best of luck with all your anger and hatred. By the way, I'm a man.


  29. Actually, you are a mangina. Feminism is anti-male hatred. It is no different than jew-hating nazis. Feminism persecutes men and promotes women as the master gender. Boys were often not only sold as sex slaves but as soldiers for warlords. The juvenile female sex slave had a longer life span than the juvenile male soldier.

    As far as hatred and violence go that is coming from your side.

  30. Actually feminism is the fight for equal rights for women. It's a battle that must be waged precisely because equal rights have historically been withheld from them... by men. Anti-male hatred is actually called misandrism. But like I said, you seem confused about these terms, and anyway... I think we've been over this already.

    Mangina... that's funny.

    Have a good one

  31. If you wish to believe the lie feminism is about equality then go ahead. There are a lot of people that live a lie. I guess you are one of them. In the 1800's in the United States women who committed crimes didn't do time. Their husbands or fathers did depending on the woman's marital status. Women have not died on the battlefields of wars. Women who murder are spared the death penalty and they get shorter sentences than men for the same crime. They are spared the draft. If a woman complains about someone bothering her a bunch of white knights will come to her rescue. If a man complains about someone bothering him he is told to handle his business. A woman can lodge a false rape accusation against a man. She is given anonymity while the man's name and face are plastered all over the media. His reputation is shattered. There will be people who will think he is guilty and some of them may act on it and become vigilantes. Meanwhile, the woman remains unnamed with no photo of of her which means she can go on to ruin another man's life.


  33. For some reason I find this conversation highly entertaining. So here I am again.

    Let's start with the fact that the justifications you use to support your position, in addition to being repetitive and weird, are also mostly wrong. I don't have time to get through all of them, but you point out that men have to fight all the battles while women get to stay at home. Well why is this? It's because men make the rules and men decided long ago that A) fighting in battle is an honor, an honor that women did not deserve, and B) women were too weak to fight in battle; it was men's business. The way you present this example is a clear indication of your victim mentality. Instead of saying "I am a man, I am strong enough to fight battles, and I am proud of that" you prefer to say "Oh poor me... I have to go fight battles while the women get it easy." You choose an interpretation of this fact which reinforces your position as a victim.

    Next, you say that if a woman complains about being bothered, a bunch of white knights come to help her, but if a man is being bothered he is told to fend for himself. Yeah, that's damn right! What do you want, a bunch of white knights to come help you? You're a man, dude! Man up! Women need help in those situations because they are weaker. They need our help, because we are stronger. That's called chivalry. (This example in particular makes you sound like a real pussy)

    Your last example about false rape accusations goes further to prove my point. Yes, women do do those sorts of nasty things sometimes. And why? Because they are pissed off about always being weaker, always getting the short end of the stick, always being at the bottom of the ladder... as they always have been. So how do they get revenge? By doing nasty shit like that. That is exactly the kind of sneaky shitty move that only a person in the weaker position would do. (Read about Nietzsche's concept of master morality vs. slave morality).

  34. (continued)
    None of the above examples even come close to establishing that women have any real power; this is all just you whining about what you see as unfair treatment for men. And lastly, in the example that we used a few messages ago about sex slavery, who do you think is responsible for buying and selling all those young women? Men. And who buys and sells the young boys? Men. Men make the rules and they always have. (I'm not saying this is morally right; it's just the way of the world. One reason I personally support feminism is that I believe a world with more women leaders would also be a world that was more fair, more just, more compassionate, and more peaceful (less violent.)) I could give you a hundred examples of how women have been kept down by men through history... examples you couldn't refute because they are true, but I'm not going to waste my time. Look it up.

    Now I imagine that your response to all of the above would be something like "well none of that is true, you are living a lie." OK, we've heard that before. But let's assume for a moment that you are wrong, and I (along with the other 99.5% of humanity which is not part of your weird little self-victimizing niche) am correct. The next interesting question we should look at is: How did you get this way? How did you come to believe this very strange narrative, which is so out-of-step with reality? We've established that men are now, and have always been in the power-position. On average we are stronger, bigger, and faster. Our minds are more logical, and less emotional, which is often a tactical advantage, especially in combat situations. At the end of the day, these very basic differences account for most of why we are on top. So again, how did you come to believe your bizarro alternate narrative which discounts these basic elements of reality? The answer almost certainly lies in your upbringing, as a young boy. I'm guessing here, because I don't know you, but chances are that you were treated poorly as a young person by someone, probably (but not necessarily) a woman. This likely created in you an anger, a rage, against women that you still carry today. Although Reshmi, the person who posted above, used very foul language and was very rude, he is probably right in suggesting that your parents did not do a stellar job with your upbringing. (You are also very rude. You dropped a "fuck you" on me almost immediately, and called me a liar. This is further evidence of the poor job done by your parents; they apparently also never taught you the value of being polite!)

    Anyway, no one can truly take away a person's sense of self-worth and power; you have to give it away. Somewhere along the line, you gave away your power to women. If it happened when you were a young child (if you have always felt this way about women) then that is a sad story, and suggests that you really were treated badly (abused?). In that case it can be hard to "unlearn" these false ideas you have. If it happened later in life, such as through romantic relationships, then you need to take that power back, and become a man again. A real man understands his position of power, and supports feminism, and relishes a strong woman in his life, because it makes the game more interesting.

  35. (continued)
    There is something fundamentally pathetic about this desperate cry for "men's rights." It is like a cat begging to be treated well by a mouse. The whole thing, by which I mean this blog, the men who seem to agree with you, the hateful language you use, and the constant portrayal of yourself as a victim, all set against the background of this ridiculous pseudo-history you've cooked up in which women are actually oppressing men... it all points in only one direction which is that you have a psychological problem with women which you've tried to disguise as a fight for "men's rights." Your hateful language gives you away as nothing more than a garden-variety misogynist, rather than a masculist. Men don't need to fight for their rights; we already have them. Women are the ones who need to fight for their rights... and legitimately so. Do you think Steve McQueen or George Clooney or all the millions of other real men out there feel oppressed and victimized by women? Fuck no. It's ironic that you called me a 'mangina,' when you, my friend, are the one desperately in need of finding your own personal masculinity.

    It's true that you have a fight on your hands, and it's a fight that you need to get involved in. But the fight is not for "men's rights," because like I said that is like a cat fighting for cat's rights in a world of mice. It's a fake battle, supported by a fake history, to cover up and legitimize the real story underneath, which is that you hate women. (Incidentally, I think most of the women responsible for the quotes at the top of the page are man-haters. They are not real feminists any more than you are a real masculist.) The real battle on your hands, what you need to do, is figure out why you hate women so much. I recommend therapy, and I recommend a female therapist. I'm not joking. Look up 'transference' in the context of psychotherapy. It could do you a world of good. Unless, of course, you want to stay hateful and angry, living in your little fake world where women are the powerful oppressors and you are the helpless little man, crying for your rights... which is pathetic, and which actually just might be exactly what you want.

  36. (continued)
    Now I imagine that your response to all of the above would be something like "well none of that is true, you are living a lie." OK, we've heard that before. But let's assume for a moment that you are wrong, and I (along with the other 99.5% of humanity which is not part of your weird little self-victimizing niche) am correct. The next interesting question we should look at is: How did you get this way? How did you come to believe this very strange narrative, which is so out-of-step with reality? We've established that men are now, and have always been in the power-position. On average we are stronger, bigger, and faster. Our minds are more logical, and less emotional, which is almost always a tactical advantage. At the end of the day, these very basic differences account for most of why we are on top. So again, how did you come to believe your bizarro alternate narrative which discounts these basic elements of reality? The answer almost certainly lies in your upbringing, as a young boy. I'm guessing here, because I don't know you, but chances are that you were treated poorly as a young person by someone, probably (but not necessarily) a woman. This likely created in you an anger, a rage, against women that you still carry today. Although Reshmi, the person who posted above, used very foul language and was very rude, he is probably right in suggesting that your parents did not do a stellar job with your upbringing. (You are also very rude. You dropped a "fuck you" on me almost immediately, and called me a liar. This is further evidence of the poor job done by your parents; they apparently also never taught you the value of being polite!)
    Anyway, no one can truly take away a person's sense of self-worth and power; you have to give it away. Somewhere along the line, you gave away your power to women. If it happened when you were a young child (if you have always felt this way about women) then that is a sad story, and suggests that you really were treated badly (abused?). In that case it can be hard to "unlearn" these false ideas you have. If it happened later in life, such as through romantic relationships, then you need to take that power back, and become a man again. A real man understands his position of power, and supports feminism, and relishes a strong woman in his life, because it makes the game more interesting.

  37. (continued)
    There is something fundamentally pathetic about this desperate cry for "men's rights." It is like a cat begging to be treated well by a mouse. The whole thing, by which I mean this blog, the men who seem to agree with you, the hateful language you use, and the constant portrayal of yourself as a victim, all set against the background of this ridiculous pseudo-history you've cooked up in which women are actually oppressing men... it all points in only one direction which is that you have a psychological problem with women, which you've tried to disguise as a fight for "men's rights." Your hateful language gives you away as nothing more than a garden-variety misogynist, rather than a masculist. Men don't need to fight for their rights; we already have them. Women are the ones who need to fight for their rights... and legitimately so. Do you think Steve McQueen or George Clooney or all the millions of other real men out there feel oppressed and victimized by women? Fuck no. It's ironic that you called me a 'mangina,' when you, my friend, are the one desperately in need of finding you own personal masculinity.
    It's true that you have a fight on your hands, and it's a fight that you need to get involved in. But the fight is not for "men's rights," because like I said that is like a cat fighting for cat's rights in a world of mice. It's a fake battle, supported by a fake history, to cover up and legitimize the real story underneath, which is that you hate women. (Incidentally, I think most of the women responsible for the quote at the top of the page are man-haters. They are not real feminists any more than you are a real masculist.) The real battle on your hands, what you need to do, is figure out why you hate women so much. I recommend therapy, and I recommend a female therapist. I'm not joking. Look up 'transference' in the context of psychotherapy. It could do you a world of good. Unless, of course, you want to stay hateful and angry, living in your little fake world where women are the powerful oppressors and you are the helpless little man, crying for your rights... which is pathetic... and which actually just might be exactly what you want.
    Personal growth is hard. The choice is yours.

  38. Sorry if you got all of that two times. I really don't know if you did or not. I'm having computer problems.

  39. One reason I personally support feminism is that I believe a world with more women leaders would also be a world that was more fair, more just, more compassionate, and more peaceful (less violent.))

    I don't think so

  40. Feminism is a hate movement.

    Real men stand up for their rights instead of being feminist lapdogs. You should try it sometime or is personal growth too much for you?

  41. I've known women who were unpredictable, and seemed to be capable of anything. A couple of them damaged, and stole my property with zero accountability. I was in a fairly good 20 year relationship. However, at one time my longtime girlfriend threatened to tell police that I raped her just because she was mad during an argument. This was a woman with a 160 IQ too. I've accepted that women are basically irresponsible by nature. They aren't good with rules, or boundaries. I now avoid private one on one situations with women. It's better to be safe than sorry. Maybe I should just get a body cam.
